Arnulf Priem

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Arnulf Winfried Horst Priem (* 1948 ) is a German right-wing extremist who founded a number of organizations. For many years he was considered a link to the rocker - and to the right-wing neo-pagan scene.


Arnulf Priem grew up in the GDR , where he received a degree in business administration . In 1967 he was sentenced in East Berlin to two and a half years in prison for “ fornication ” and “ subversive propaganda ”. In 1968 the Federal Republic bought him free. He settled in Freiburg im Breisgau , where he joined the German People's Union in 1971 . In 1976 he ran as a list candidate for the NPD . He founded his first own organization in 1973, the combat group Priem . This military sports group , which trained neo-Nazis to use weapons, existed until 1984.

Priem, who cultivates an image as a rocker , moved to West Berlin in 1977 and joined the NSDAP organizational structure as an “action leader”. After weapons and Nazi propaganda were found during a house search, he was sentenced to a suspended sentence. Further parole convictions followed in 1980 and 1982. In 1980 he was a co-founder of the Asgard Association . In 1984/85 he was imprisoned for hoisting a swastika flag on the Berlin Victory Column. In 1987 he founded the youth department of Wotans Volk . This was closely connected with the community of beliefs of the New Front . The Nordic-Germanischer Jahrweiser was published annually , a calendar with references to "Aryan days", pagan customs and the glorification of National Socialism . In 1989 he ran for the Freedom Party , an association of various right-wing extremist politicians, in the 1989 election to the Berlin House of Representatives .

At the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification , Priem was a supporter of Michael Kühnen , with whom he had been in contact since the 1970s. As a neo-Nazi leader, he first established himself in the National Alternative and in 1992 became regional chairman of the German Alternative . He was also a member of the rocker club Vandalen - Ariogermanische Kampfgemeinschaft . After Kühnen's death, he assumed a leadership position in the New Front community, but was arrested in 1994 and sentenced in 1995 to three and a half years in prison for various weapons found, denigrating the state and “forming an armed band”. During the trial, he was mistakenly considered a “traitor” and temporarily lost his reputation in the right-wing scene. After serving his sentence, he said he concentrated on raising chickens . There were reports that he was trading Nazi devotional items at flea markets, as he did before . On October 1st, 2011 he was a speaker at a demonstration organized by the neo-Nazi comradeship in Hamm. In 2012 Priem's ​​apartment in Berlin-Moabit was searched. The police confiscated two live machine guns , a revolver , two air pistols and an airsoft gun .


Up until his conviction in 1995, Arnulf Priem was considered one of the most important neo-Nazi leaders and one of the “most 'colorful' fringe figures in German right-wing extremism”. As a Kühnen loyalist, NSDAP AO member and through the founding of numerous neo-pagan splinter groups, he is considered to be one of the pioneers of right esotericism and the fusion with the rocker scene. The neo-Nazi Kay Diesner and the dropout Ingo Hasselbach had connections with Priem.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Burkhard Schröder : The network of Berlin neo-Nazi terror. In: the daily newspaper . August 4, 1998. Retrieved December 25, 2012 .
  2. a b c d persons: Arnulf Winfried Horst Priem . In: Thomas Grumke , Bernd Wagner (Hrsg.): Handbuch Rechtsradikalismus . Leske + Budrich, Opladen 2002, ISBN 3-8100-3399-5 , p. 294-296 .
  3. Jump up ↑ Associations - Gunmen . In: Der Spiegel . No. 39 , 1994 ( online ).
  6. Small question from the MP Ulla Jelpke and the other MPs of the PDS: Development of the militant neo-Nazi structures . In: German Bundestag (ed.): Drucksache 13/387 . February 2, 1995 ( ).
  7. Right-wing extremist Arnulf Priem charged / Several years' imprisonment expected: neo-Nazi leaders stored explosives . In: Berliner Zeitung . February 16, 1995 ( [accessed January 7, 2012]).
  8. ^ Convicted neo-Nazi . In: Berliner Zeitung . May 24, 1995 ( [accessed January 7, 2012]).
  10. ( Memento of the original from October 24, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. ^ Andreas Kopietz: Raid on Berlin neo-Nazi Arnulf Priem. Berliner Zeitung , June 14, 2012, accessed on October 3, 2013 .
  12. ^ Burkhard Schröder : The network of Berlin neo-Nazi terror., accessed on January 7, 2012 .
  13. Living time bombs . In: Der Spiegel . No. 10 , 1997, pp. 33-34 ( online ).
  14. ^ Ingo Hasselbach / Winfried Bonengel : The accounting. A neo-Nazi gets out . 2nd Edition. Aufbau Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-7466-7036-5 , p. 110-112 .