Vandals - Ario-Germanic fighting community

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The Vandalen - Ario-Germanic Combat Community is a neo-Nazi group that imitates the rocker subculture in appearance and demeanor . The group is based in Berlin. One of the founding members of the group is the singer Michael Regener .


The organization is organized like a motorcycle club , but a motorcycle is not a prerequisite for entry. Similar to MCs, candidates must go through a one-year probationary period to qualify as full members. Members pay regular dues and there is a club house that is also used for events. Since a house search in 2002, Jean-René Bauer has been the leader.

The Judith Auer Club in Berlin-Lichtenberg served as the clubhouse for many years , later on Liebermannstrasse in Berlin-Weißensee . The latter was searched by the police on July 24, 1999 and was then the target of a media campaign that led to people leaving the clubhouse in 1999. The landlord had given notice to the vandals. The seat of the new clubhouse is not known, but is said to be in Lichtenberg. The group consists of a hard core of around 10-20 members.

The vandals are considered to be well connected in the scene. You have or had contacts with the NPD , Blood and Honor , the Hammerskins and various free comradeships . Some of the members of the vandals are also involved in the right-wing music scene, such as Michael Regener, former singer of the banned as a criminal organization group Landser , active today with his solo project The Lunikoff Conspiracy . The band Spreegeschwader also consists of vandal members. A former member is also the police murderer Kay Diesner . This was probably introduced into the club in 1991 by Arnulf Priem , who was temporarily the head of the group.


The Vandals were founded in East Berlin in 1982 . They are one of the oldest neo-Nazi groups that arose during the GDR era. Even before the fall of the Wall , contacts were maintained with the West German Wiking youth and with Kühnens FAP . After the fall of the Berlin Wall , the vandals worked closely with their like-minded people and played “an integral role in building neo-Nazi structures in Berlin”. They took part in military sports camps and in neo-Nazi demonstrations.

In 2002 an event of the vandals in a bar in Berlin-Marzahn was stormed by the police. It was a celebration of its twentieth anniversary. This prevented the Landser band from appearing . It was attended, among others, Jens Pühse , Friedhelm Busse , Joerg Haehnel and Oliver Schweigert . Also in 2002 there were violent attacks on left-wing visitors to the flower festival in Weißensee.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Article on The Vandals in the Lexicon of Right-Wing Extremism by Netz gegen Nazis , queried on January 8, 2012
  2. ^ Fabian Kunow: Rockers and right-wing extremists. Net against Nazis , accessed January 8, 2012 .
  3. Hannes Heine: Nazis attack Nazi shops. Der Tagesspiegel , October 16, 2006, accessed on January 8, 2012 .
  4. Jan von Flocken: The Pump-Gun-Killer. Focus Online , March 3, 1997, accessed January 8, 2012 .
  5. Frank Jansen: The vandals spoiled the mood. Der Tagesspiegel , September 30, 2002, accessed January 8, 2012 .