Adolar Erich

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Adolar Erich (* 1559 or 1561; † 1634 in Thuringia) was a German cartographer , pastor and regional researcher. Around 1635 he wrote the first true-to-size overview map of Thuringia , the Tyringische Mapp or Landtafel (approx. 1: 700,000), which was used and reproduced until the 18th century because of its accuracy.

Erich is likely to have matriculated for Protestant theology at the University of Heidelberg around 1582 , but also attended natural science courses. He then worked as a teacher in the Rhineland and later became pastor in succession in Andisleben in Thuringia , Großmonra and finally Bachra . Here he dealt intensively with regional research, geography and cartography and produced the aforementioned land table .

Of his other works, only the Gülich Chronicle has appeared in print . It is the first comprehensive geography of the region and also contains map sketches of the Rhine area as well as u. a. a description of the earlier rage of the "Nordtmänner" ( Vikings ) in 884 near Duisburg .

A manuscript created by Adolar Erich Chronicon Thüringiacum in 25 volumes was largely destroyed by war events; his son Samuel Erich (* around 1620, † 1682) was only able to save fragments of it and publish excerpts.


  • Gülichische Chronic: Inside of the clock old highly commendable counts Marggrafenn und Hertzieh von der Marck, Gülich, Cleve, Bergen etc. Arrivals, genealogies, tribe and genealogical records ... are officially described and continued into the 1610th year. With the attached Geographical Country Chart of the Principality of Gülich & c. Jakob Apel / Thomas Schürer, Leipzig 1611 ( Google Books )

Sources, web links

Individual evidence

  1. Karl Gottlob Dietmann :
  2. 1643 Master's degree in Helmstedt, 1643–1651 Rector of the Latin School in Hameln, since 1651 pastor in Wallensen, 1665 at the St. Jacobi Market Church in Einbeck.