Olli gray

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Olli Grau (born July 31, 1974 in Speyer ) is a German canoeist . He became known as a kayak freestyler and extreme whitewater paddler. Grau was one of the pioneers of playboating in Europe, then known as canoe rodeo . Grau became world champion in 1995 and also three times German champion and Eurocup winner in kayak freestyle. He later became team captain of the German national freestyle team.

Gray directed the first successful non-American descent of the Stikine River in British Columbia , Canada.

He lives in Nussdorf am Inn and gives special canoe courses for advanced learners. After his competitive career, he became known as a book author and wrote the titles "Right Rodeo Driving" and "Better Whitewater Driving", which are considered standard works in these areas.

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