Olof Bure

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Olaus Engelberti Bure (born September 2, 1578 in Säbrå near Härnösand , † December 13, 1655 in Åbo ) was a Swedish doctor and mathematician .


Bure was a son of the pastor Engelbertus Bure. He had two brothers.

Bure enrolled in Geometry at Uppsala University on May 15, 1601 . In 1611 he defended his dissertation in Basel as a doctor of medicine. In 1618 Olaus Engelberti Bure became a personal medicus of King Gustav Adolph of Sweden . In 1621 Olaus was raised to the nobility and at the same time mayor of Stockholm . He later held the office of vice-president from 1633 to 1640 of the court in Åbo in Finland .

In 1612 Bure married Elisabeth Bagge af Boo, the daughter of the governor Jakob Bagge .


  • Arithmetica instrumentalis Abacus ab eo ipse inventus . Helmstedt 1609


  • JC Poggendorff: JC Poggendorff's biographical-literary concise dictionary for mathematics, astronomy, physics with geophysics, chemistry, crystallography and related fields of knowledge. Volume 1. J. Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig 1863, p. 339.
  • Yearbook for Franconian regional research. Degener, 1984, p. 67.
  • Olof Bure . In: Bernhard Meijer (Ed.): Nordisk familjebok konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi . 2nd Edition. tape 4 : Brant-Cesti . Nordisk familjeboks förlag, Stockholm 1905 (Swedish, runeberg.org ).