Omagua (altitude level)

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Omagua Region, Amazon, Peru

The Omagua (after the indigenous people of the Omagua ), also Selva baja ( Spanish for "low-lying forest"), Walla or Anti , is, according to Javier Pulgar Vidal, the lowest altitude of the tropical eastern capping of the Andes up to 400 m above sea level . It is located in the west of the Amazon . Together with the Chala level on the west side of the Andes, they form the planar altitude level and are part of the classic Andean zoning Tierra caliente ("hot land").

The climate is hot with average temperatures above 24 ° C. The relative humidity is high; there are precipitation peaks in summer. The surface is flat, partially slightly wavy. There are many, water-rich, slow-flowing rivers that change their riverbed frequently. Lakes and swamps are also abundant.

The area is covered by tropical lowland rainforest .

As the dense vegetation is difficult to cross, the rivers form the main arteries.


  • Pulgar Vidal, Javier: Geografía del Perú; Las Ocho Regiones Naturales del Perú . Edit. Universo SA, Lima 1979.