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The OpenAPI Specification (formerly Swagger Specification ) is a standard for describing REST- compliant programming interfaces (API) . The specification is funded by the OpenAPI Initiative . The initiative pursues the vision of providing an open and manufacturer-neutral description format for API services in the interests of a networked world. The project is supported by the Linux Foundation .


The Open API Specification began as part of the software project Swagger , an open source - Framework for HTTP - Web Services . In 2016, it became a stand-alone project managed by the OpenAPI Initiative , whose members include companies such as Atlassian , Google , IBM , Microsoft , PayPal and SAP .

The current version of the OpenAPI specification is 3.0.2.


Swagger provides a collection of open source tools for developing APIs that conform to the OpenAPI specification:

  • Swagger Editor supports the creation of the API definition
  • Swagger Codegen generates server stubs and client SDKs
  • Swagger UI generates documentation

There are also paid tools:

  • SwaggerHub for collaboration
  • SwaggerHub Enterprise for business, available in the cloud or on premises
  • Swagger Inspector for testing purposes
  • APITree converts OpenAPI specifications 2.0 and 3.0 into human-readable API documentation that can be managed and shared free of charge in the cloud via a HUB.

There are also extensions to support OpenAPI for various development environments.


  • Stefan Sauter people Michael Hot, Christopher Koster: Introduction to Open API v3: REST is growing up . In: Developer Magazine . No. 1 , 2018, p. ? ( [accessed February 24, 2020] Free online version ).
  • Manuel Ottlik: REST APIs document according to the OpenAPI standard . In: c't . No. 5 , 2020, p. 136–139 ( [accessed on February 22, 2020]).

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. OpenAPI specification on GitHub. Accessed December 30, 2019 .
  2. About the OpenAPI Initiative. Accessed December 30, 2019 .
  3. Projects of the Linux Foundation. Accessed December 30, 2019 .
  4. members of the Open API initiative. Accessed December 30, 2019 .
  5. Releases of the OpenAPI specification. Accessed December 30, 2019 .
  6. OpenAPI initiative updates interface specification. July 26, 2017, accessed December 30, 2019 .
  7. OpenAPI open source tools. Accessed December 30, 2019 .
  8. OpenAPI editor for Visual Studio Code. Accessed December 30, 2019 .
  9. OpenAPI tools for Eclipse. Accessed December 30, 2019 .