Operación Púnica

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The Operación Púnica , named after the main suspect Francisco Granados ( Punica granatum : pomegranate ), was one of the largest anti-corruption measures in Spain at the end of October 2014.

In this raid carried out by the Guardia Civil and the public prosecutor Eloy Velasco of the Audiencia Nacional de España , a total of 51 politicians, officials and business people, mostly from the autonomous regions of Madrid , Valencia , Murcia and Leon , ruled by the PP (Partido Popular) , were arrested.

Everyone is accused of active and passive bribery in construction and service contracts. Various former mayors and high officials are among those arrested. B. also Francisco Granados, former second husband of the Madrid PP and Rodrigo Rato , former Minister of Economic Affairs, head of the IMF and bank manager of the Caja Madrid and the Bankia .

In the past two years alone, 250 million euros are said to have been paid in bribes. According to the indictment, the main share of 160 million was paid by Cofely , a subsidiary of the French multinational Gaz de France , in order to obtain contracts in town halls and municipalities. At Granados and one of his closest friends and business partners, 5.8 million euros were discovered in three Swiss accounts as a result of the investigations.

After the arrests became known, there were spontaneous demonstrations against corrupt politicians in Spain, so that the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy apologized publicly on October 28, 2014.

Large sums in bribes were from the two main defendants Francisco Granados and his business partner and childhood friend David Marjaliza Villaseñor means of fictitious invoices and forged art purchases washed and banks on accounts by Singapore and in Switzerland transferred.

Web links

Commons : Operación Púnica  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Granados es Púnica. El País from October 27, 2014.
  2. El juez destapa la trama del 3% madrileño. El País , accessed October 29, 2014.
  3. Corruption scandal shakes Spain. n-tv , accessed October 29, 2014.
  4. Granados y su socio sumaron 5.8 millones en tres cuentas en Suiza. El País , accessed October 29, 2014.
  5. ^ Rajoy's party excludes E-IMF boss. El País , accessed October 29, 2014.
  6. ^ Spanish smear tragedy. Tages-Anzeiger , accessed October 29, 2014.
  7. ^ List of politicians, officials and businessmen arrested in the course of Operation Punica. El País, October 29, 2014, accessed October 30, 2014.
  8. Granados y su socio repatriaron en 2007 cuatro millones desde Singapore. El País from November 2, 2014.
  9. Swiss tip leads to raid in Spain. NZZ of October 29, 2014.