Optical astronomy

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The optical astronomy is that part of the field of observational astronomy , where the telescopes and instruments of classic optical are structured components, so of lenses , prisms and mirrors .

Optical astronomy today includes ultraviolet astronomy , visual astronomy, and most of infrared astronomy . Until around 1920, optical astronomy had to be limited to visible light and closely spaced (photographically effective) UV. From the 1950s onwards, highly sensitive sensors were also developed for infrared and further UV.

Atmospheric windows

The earth's atmosphere absorbs most of the electromagnetic waves that reach us from space. There are essentially two atmospheric windows available for observational astronomy on the earth's surface : one that covers the range of visible light and a second that covers the longer-wave radio waves . Before observatories outside the Earth's atmosphere - i. H. astronomical satellites - when available, observational astronomy only differentiated between optical and radio astronomy .

Since around 1970, satellite observation has also been able to access higher-energy radiation areas and microwaves , see X-ray and gamma astronomy .


  • H. Kraemer, W. Foerster: Weltall und Menschheit Volume III (p. 91-105, 143-288), Berlin-Leipzig-Vienna 1902
  • J. Krautter et al. (Ed.): Meyers Handbuch Weltall , 7th, completely revised and expanded edition, p. 541-542. Meyers Lexikonverlag 1994, ISBN 3-411-07757-3
  • A. Unsöld, B. Baschek: The new cosmos - introduction to astronomy and astrophysics , 7th edition, 580 p. (Chapter II, p. 100-165). Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 2005