Orange Fascists

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The Oranje Fascists (Oranje Fascists) were a fascist Dutch party. They came from the Nationaal-Socialistische Nederlandsche Arbeiderspartij (NSNAP, National Socialist Dutch Workers' Party). The Orange Fascists were the smallest fascist party to run in the 1933 elections. She only put up two candidates, JGA van Zijst (top candidate) and HM Kempenaar. The electoral successes were extremely low, she received only 261 votes (0.007%) in the two constituencies in which she ran, Utrecht and Arnhem .

According to a statement by Van Zijst, the Orange Fascists actually started with the support of the NSNAP to steal votes from the NSNAP competition Algemeene Nederlandsche Fascisten Bond (ANFB, General Dutch Fascist League). At the last moment, however, the NSNAP withdrew its support and turned against him in return; it had gone so far that it threatened to kidnap him. Van Zijst then went into hiding, which brought the planned election campaign to a standstill. Despite his statement that he had settled internally with Dutch fascism, Van Zijst later became a member of the ANFB, against which he had previously competed, and the Corporatieve Concentratie, also a fascist group.

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