Order of the Dove

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The Order of the Dove was a Spanish knightly order . Founder of this order was John I as king of Castile. The year of foundation was 1290 in Segovia . The medal was a gold collar with a gold, white enameled dove with a red beak. This hung on a chain of juxtaposed golden suns. Other sources give the date of foundation 1379. The indication "King Heinrich donated the order in 1399" is due to the similarity of the English order Order of the Dove .

The purpose of the order was the defense of the Catholic faith and the protection of orphans . The knights had to vow marital chastity.

The order rendered great service to society, but it was extinguished with the death of the founder.


  • History of the organization of the infantry and cavalry of the Royal Spanish Army, Brix, ES Mittler und Sohn, Berlin 1861

Individual evidence

  1. Description of all today's day in Europe flourishing spiritual and secular knight orders, Ed. by JWR, Frankfurt an der Oder 1743
  2. a b Order book of all orders and decorations that have flourished and died in Europe, Gustav Adolph Ackermann, Rudolph & Dieterici, Annaberg 1855