Orgyen Lingpa

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Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
o rgyan gling pa
Other spellings:
Orgyen Lingpa
Chinese name
Simplified :
邬 坚 领 巴
Pinyin :
Wujian Lingba

Orgyen Lingpa ( Tib. O rgyan gling pa ; * 1329 ; † 1367 or 1360 ), also known as the madman of treasures (gter smyon) - was a great tertön or treasure finder of the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in the 14th century , from whom the Pema Kathang / Padma Kathang ( T. padma bka 'thang ; see also article Padmasambhava ) was discovered, the biography of Guru Rinpoche, also known as Sheldragma (shel brag ma) , and the Kathang Denga (bka' thang sde lnga) . He is one of the previous incarnations of Jigme Lingpa and the thirteen consecutive incarnations of Gyelse Lharje (rgyal sras lha rje) .


  • Dudom Rinpoche, Dorje, Jikdrel Yeshe: The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, its fundamentals and history. 2 vols. Translated and edited by Gyurme Dorje and Matthew Kapstein. Wisdom Publications, Boston 1991, ISBN 0-86171-087-8 .
  • The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava. Dharma Publishing, Berkeley CA 1978, 2 volumes, ISBN 0-913546-20-8 . (This text (པདམ་ བཀའི་ ཐང) was "discovered" by O-rgyan-gling-pa and ascribed to Yeshe Tsogyal. Translated from Tibetan into French by Gustave-Charles Toussaint (Le dict de Padma); from French into English translated by Kenneth Douglas and Gwendolyn Bays.)
  • Five Chronicles. BKA 'THANG SDE LNGA.

Individual evidence

  1. Chinese Wujian Lingba 邬 坚 领 巴
  2. Yeshe Tsogyal, Dilgo Khyentse, Erik Pema Kunsang: The Lotus-Born: The Life Story of Padmasambhava . 2004. - According to other information, the year of birth is 1323, whereby the year of death is often given as approx. 1360.
  3. cf. Gyalsé Lharjé (Wyl.rgyal sras lha rje) aka Gyalsé Lharjé Chokdrup Gyalpo (Wyl.rgyal sras lha rje mchog grub rgyal po)
Orgyen Lingpa (alternative names of the lemma)
Orgyen Lingpa, Orgyan Glinpa, o rgyan gling pa, Wujian Lingba 邬 坚 领 巴, madman of treasures (gter smyon); Wujian Linba 邬 坚 林巴