Orientation school

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Orientation school ( French: cycle d'orientation ) refers to secondary level I schools in Switzerland that have been introduced by individual cantons. It is part of various school types in the Swiss cantons due to its federalist educational sovereignty in the education system in Switzerland .

It is run as a comprehensive school in the cantons of Obwalden and Nidwalden and in the canton of Valais .

In the cantons of Friborg , Schaffhausen and Geneva , students are divided into secondary and secondary classes according to performance criteria, and between three to five departments in the canton of Geneva.

The canton of Ticino describes the second half of its four-year, integrated model of lower secondary level I ( scuola media ) as ciclo di orientamento (“orientation cycle ”).

The three-year orientation school was introduced in the canton of Basel-Stadt in 1991. She joined the four-year primary school. The orientation school was followed by a two-year advanced training school . In 2015, the orientation school was abolished and switched to curriculum 21 (six-year primary school, three-year secondary school) because too many students switched to grammar school.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Cantonal survey for the school year 2017/18. School models (lower secondary level). On the website of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Education (EDK), cantonal survey for the 2017/2018 school year
  2. ^ Collection of laws. Service platform Education of the Canton of Schaffhausen, accessed on February 27, 2019
  3. ^ Système éducatif du canton de Genève. On the EDK website, August 2018 (French)
  4. Sistema educativo del Cantone Ticino. On the EDK website, August 2018 (Italian)
  5. SRF of August 17, 2015: Everything is new in the Basel schools
  6. Infosperber from May 25, 2018: Too many want to go to the “Gymi”: Basel-Stadt is tightening the screws