Oskar Becker (writer)

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Oskar Becker (born February 4, 1927 in Berenbostel near HanoverFebruary 11, 1993 ) was a German teacher , senior teacher , philosopher , writer and novelist .

life and work

Oskar Becker, born in Berenbostel during the Weimar Republic, studied in Marburg at the Alma Mater Philippina , where he wrote his dissertation in 1956 under the title Die Klein-Epik Hans Grimms . Oskar Becker, who was later awarded an academic doctorate , worked as a teacher with the title of senior teacher.

Oskar Becker lived in the Lower Saxony state capital Hanover. He mainly wrote various stories, including

  • 1962 the story The Magician
  • 1975 the detective novel Russian Roulette .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Anke Hees: Becker, Oskar , in: Wilhelm Kosch : German Literature Lexicon . Biographical-bibliographical handbook , 2nd edition: The 20th Century , Vol. 2, Bern; Munich: KG Saur Verlag, 1969, ISBN 3-908255-02-3 , 2001, Sp. 115; Preview over google books
  2. a b Compare the information in the catalog of the German National Library