Oskar Fronz senior

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Oskar Fronz ( November 13, 1861 in Vienna - March 29, 1925 there ) was an Austrian theater actor and director as well as a writer .


Oskar Fronz, the son of an Austrian court doctor, went to the stage in 1897 after brief lessons with Alexander Strakosch . He received his first engagement in Teschen, then he came to Meran (1880), Linz (1881) and Brno (1882 to 1884). Then he went to Vienna, first to the Carltheater, then to the Theater an der Wien . Here it was the small role of “Lothar Brand” in Die Ehre , in which he was effectively noticed with a few clever nuances and stresses, so that in 1891 he received an application to the German Volkstheater.

In 1905 he took over the management of the newly founded Vienna City Theater.

He proved himself here in funny teenage roles such as an outdoorsman and it is especially drastic episodes that he knew how to embody successfully with skillful pointing. Fronz was one of the institute's most useful actors, especially in Volksstück and Posse, and has also played in larger roles such as "Michel Berndorfer" in the pastor of Kirchfeld , "Stolzenthaler" in the fourth commandment , "Toni" in perjury , "Hans" in hand and Herz , "Willibald" in Schlimme Buben etc. proved his acting ability.

Fronz was not only active as an actor, but also as a dramatic writer. So found u. a. das Kuckucksei (first performance at the Deutsches Theater), Hoch Hinaus (adaptation based on a folk play by Carl von Carro , first performance at the Raimundtheater), Der Familienlump (first performance of the anniversary theater ), Der Hofmeister (first performance in the Theater an der Wien) approving admission.
