Oskar Haberstumpf

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Oskar Haberstumpf (born March 30, 1886 in Neustadt an der Waldnaab , † 1958 ) was a German administrative officer and manager of the energy industry.


Oskar Haberstumpf received his Abitur at the humanistic grammar school in Schweinfurt and studied law at the universities of Munich and Erlangen. In 1905 he became a member of the Corps Palatia Munich . In 1911 he passed the state examination in law in Augsburg. After practical work at courts, administrative authorities and in law firms, he was appointed to the government council in 1914. In 1928 he was promoted to the Upper Government Council.

When Haberstumpf was founded in 1921, he became a member of the board of directors of Mittlere Isar AG , a large power plant in Munich. After the takeover by Bayernwerk AG in 1932, he was a member of the Bayernwerk's board of directors.

During the First World War, he worked as a consultant at the Deputy General Command of the 1st Bavarian Army Corps in Munich. As an award, he received the Iron Cross 2nd class on a white ribbon.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 111 , 1241
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 113 , 1240