Oswald Miedl

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Oswald Miedl (2019)

Oswald Miedl (* 1940 in Ried in der Riedmark ) is an Austrian painter and art teacher .

Live and act

Miedl studied from 1959 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and at the University of Vienna . He graduated in 1964 with a Mag. Art and in 1965 with a diploma as an academic painter. From 1964 to 1991 he taught as an art teacher at the Stiftsgymnasium Wilhering , at the Pedagogical University of the Diocese of Linz and at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. From 1991 to 2005 he was full professor for art education at the University of Passau .

His artistic activity, practiced since 1973, comprised exclusively black and white drawings with chalk and, since 1987, lithography . His impressions are u. a. from hikes in the karst of the Dead Mountains , from trips and stays in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and in the Cascade Mountains in the western USA .

The artist, who is married to the painter and art teacher Doris Miedl-Pisecky , lives and works in Linz and Bad Aussee . He shows his works in solo and group exhibitions mainly in Upper Austria and Bavaria .

He is a member of the Upper Austrian Art Association .


  • Thoughts on the spatial structure of the Wilhering collegiate church , in: Annual report. Stiftsgymnasium Wilhering, 1969/70, Wilhering 1970, S 9 to 12 and 1970/71, Wilhering 1971, S 11 to 14
  • Symposia for lithography at Sigharting Castle , in: Passauer Kunstblätter 31, 1/2003, pp. 18 to 21
  • Drawings. Still life. Chalk drawings , in: Exhibition catalog of the Hildebrand Gallery, Klagenfurt, 1981, with an introduction by Richard Vakay
  • Chalk drawings on paper and stone 1993 to 2000 , Linz, 2000

Web links

Commons : Oswald Miedl  - Collection of images, videos and audio files