Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

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The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (in English original: Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion ) is a document that was published on November 21, 1986 in Ottawa, Canada at the conclusion of the First International Conference on Health Promotion by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is considered to be one of the follow-up documents to the Alma-Ata Declaration (1978) on basic health care under the WHO's Health for All strategy. At the Second International Conference on Health Promotion in Adelaide in 1988 , the concept of health was further developed in all policy areas .

The charter offers an integration model in terms of content and methodology in order to apply and further develop different strategies of health education, health education, health education , health advice, health self- help and preventive medicine . Their health policy model is also described as a reorientation from preventing disease to promoting health . This requires new priorities for action, in particular a strong orientation towards the political shaping of health-relevant factors and environmental conditions.

The Ottawa Charter describes the following three basic strategies for action and five priority areas for action.

Action strategies

  • The advocate for health ( advocate ): advocating health and creating equal conditions by influencing political, biological and social factors
  • Empower and enable ( enable ): Capacity building with the aim of reducing differences in health status and to realize the greatest possible health potential
  • Mediation and networking ( mediate ): Cooperation with all actors inside and outside the health system; Mediation of the various interests of society

Fields of action

  • Development of an overall health- promoting policy : consideration of all promoting and hindering factors in politics and administration.
  • Creating health-promoting living environments : Creating supportive environmental conditions in order to promote resources for health.
  • Health- related community actions : strengthening local activities, empowering citizens and patients to encourage self-help.
  • Developing personal skills : Health education is fundamental, but with the addition of paying more attention to personal and social skills.
  • Reorientation of health services : Health services are expected to focus more on the individual needs of people and to perceive them holistically as personalities .

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ottawa Charter. From: Healthy Cities Network