Otto (Poland)

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Otto (Polish Otto Bolesławowic ; * around 1000 ; † 1033 ), was from 1031 duke and co-regent of Poland from the Piast family .


The youngest son of King Boleslaw I Chrobry and Emnilda was born on the occasion of the meeting in Gniezno in 1000 in the name of Emperor Otto III. baptized. Only in the year 1018, when he led Oda, the daughter of Margrave Ekkehard von Meißen and Bolesław's last wife, to Poland, does Otto appear in the sources as a person acting. After Mieszko II Lambert came to power in 1025, Otto, like his half-brother Bezprym (with whom the sources sometimes confuse him), initially went into opposition and then into exile . Otto's role after Mieszko's fall in 1031 cannot be clarified with any certainty. It is possible that he is one of the tetrarchs that Emperor Conrad II installed for Poland in 1033. Duke Otto died shortly afterwards, possibly by murder.


  • Oswald Balzer : Genealogia Piastów. Kraków 1895.
  • Danuta Borawska: Kryzys monarchii wczesnopiastowskiej w latach trzydziestych XI wieku. Warsaw 1964.
  • Kazimierz Jasiński: Otto. In: Polski Słownik Biograficzny. Volume 24, 1979.
  • K. Jasiński: Rodowód pierwszych Piastów. Wrocław - Warszawa 1992.
  • Gerard Labuda : Otto. In: Słownik starożytności słowiańskich. Volume 3, 1967, p. 558.
  • Gerard Labuda: Pierwsze państwo polskie. Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, Kraków 1989.
  • A. Lewicki: Mieszko II. Rozprawy Akademii Umiejętności. Wydział Historyczno-Filozoficzny, Volume 5, 1876, p. 183.
  • Henryk Łowmiański: Początki Polski. Volume 6 cz. 1, Warszawa 1985, pp. 59-66.
  • Stanisław Szczur: Historia Polski. Średniowiecze. Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 2002, ISBN 83-08-03272-9 , p. 80.


  1. ^ Patronymic : Otto, [son] of Bolesław.