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Emnilda (also Emnildis or Emnild ; * around 973 , † around 1017 ) was a daughter of the Sorbian prince Dobromir from Lausitz, who was related to the Saxon nobility through her mother . She was by marriage from 987 Duchess and from 1000 Queen of Poland .


Emnilda was the third wife of the Polish ruler Bolesław I Chrobry , whom she married in 987. Thietmar von Merseburg's praise for Emnilda suggests her high reputation and great influence at the Piastenhof .

Several children emerged from the marriage with Bolesław:


  • Tadeusz Wasilewski: Emnilda , [in:] Słownik starożytności słowiańskich , vol. 8, cz. 1, pp. 113–115, Wrocław 1991, ISBN 83-04-03389-5 .
  • Józef Widajewicz: Skąd pochodziła Emnilda , “Życie i Myśl” 1951, p. 482.
  • Stanisław Zakrzewski: Bolesław Chrobry Wielki , Kraków 2000, ISBN 83-7052-360-9 .