Otto Corbach

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Otto Corbach (born April 8, 1877 in Herscheid ; † 1938 ) was a German journalist and publicist.

He came to Tsingtau in 1900 as an accountant . 1901–02 he was the editor in charge of the Tsingtau weekly newspaper “Deutsch-Asiatische Warte”. Then Corbach went back to Germany and became a newspaper editor in Kassel, then in Breslau. From 1906 he was a freelance writer in Berlin. He stayed in Odessa during the Russian Civil War . He was therefore considered to be a connoisseur of Asia and Russia.

He wrote u. a. for Pan , Die Grenzboten and Die Weltbühne . During the Second Free German Youth Meissner (1923) he was one of the speakers.


  • Moscow as an educator. Leipzig: Ernst Oldenburg, publ., 1924
  • Open world. Berlin: Rowohlt, 1932

Individual evidence

  1. Corbach, Otto (1877-1938), journalist and publicist
  2. State and University Library Bremen: Inhibitions of Progress in China
  3. ^ Walter Hammer Circle: Young People . 2nd Edition. dipa-Verlag, 1982, ISBN 3-7638-0224-X , p. XVI .