Otto Dannebom

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Otto Dannebom (born February 10, 1904 in Rambsen , East Prussia , † November 5, 1975 in Bad Salzuflen ) was a German trade unionist and politician ( SPD ).

Life and work

After attending primary school, Dannebom completed an apprenticeship in the metalworking trade. He worked for six years as a locksmith at various companies and in 1927 switched to the Oespel colliery as a miner . He was also a union member and was a member of the German Metalworkers' Association (DMV) from 1923 to 1933 .

Dannebom joined IG Bergbau in 1946 , was initially chairman of the shaft group at the Oespel colliery and was appointed social officer by the local works council in the same year. He trained in 1947/48 at the Dortmund Social Academy and had been an arbitrator for the IGB district of Dortmund- Oespel - Kley - Somborn since April 1948 . In 1952 he became a member of the supervisory board of Harpener Bergbau AG and in 1957 a member of the board of directors of Dortmunder Bergbau AG . He also worked as a mine director at the Hansa colliery .


Dannebom joined the SPD during the Weimar Republic and was co-founder of the SPD local association Dortmund-Kley after the Second World War .

In the first federal election in 1949 he was elected directly to parliament in the constituency of Dortmund III - Lünen with 44.8% of the valid votes cast and defended the direct mandate in the 1953 election . In 1957 he left parliament.
