Otto Kreitz

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Peter Sebulon Otto Kreitz (born December 16, 1888 in Ronsdorf , † February 8, 1974 in Wuppertal- Ronsdorf) was a German politician.


The son of the ribbon manufacturer Otto Kreitz and his wife Magdalena, née Carnap, Kreitz was born in Ronsdorf, which is now part of Wuppertal. After attending secondary school and the Prussian band-knitting school , he spent four years in the United States in order to gain experience in running a band factory. Seriously wounded in World War I, he then worked in the tape industry. From 1928 he worked as a general agent for a large insurance company.

Kreitz was a member of the Wuppertal city council from 1945 to 1964 and was chairman of the Free Democratic Party (FDP). From 1948 to 1949 he was deputy mayor. He lived in the Villa Carnap in Wuppertal-Ronsdorf, which has been a listed building since 1993 . He died in 1974, his grave is in the Evangelical Reformed cemetery on Staubenthaler Straße.


  • Johann Rütger Brüning Medal.
  • His grave is considered an honor grave and is maintained by the Wuppertal city administration.
  • Otto-Kreitz-Strasse in Wuppertal-Ronsdorf was named after him on September 4, 1984.
  • Otto Kreitz is listed in the database of the Office of the Federal President , but without a medal. This could be a sign that he did not receive the medal because he died before or because he did not want to accept it.

Web links

  • Günter Konrad, Klaus-Günther Conrads: Otto Kreitz. (PDF) In: Retrieved February 1, 2016 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ortsfamiljebok Coesfeld: Peter Sebulon Otto KREITZ * 1888 +1974. In:, accessed on January 31, 2016 .
  2. a b Obituary (PDF) on the website of the Ronsdorf Citizens' Association
  3. a b c Wolfgang Stock: Wuppertal Graves: historical walk through all the city's cemeteries . Thales-Verl., [Essen] 2007, ISBN 978-3-88908-482-8 , pp. 197 .
  4. Wolfgang Stock: Wuppertaler street names: their origin and meaning . Ed .: City Archives - City of Wuppertal, Department of Surveying, Cadastral Office u. Geospatial data. 4th edition THALES Verlag, Essen (Ruhr) 2010, ISBN 3-88908-481-8 , p. 177 .