Otto Loening

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Otto Wilhelm Loening (born February 29, 1880 in Dorpat ; † after 1950) was a German lawyer and politician.


Otto Loening was the son of the Privy Councilor and Professor of Law Edgar Loening and his wife Kaethe nee Goetze. He attended the city high school in Halle and passed the Abitur there at Easter 1900. He then studied law and history in Halle, Leipzig and Göttingen. After the legal traineeship at the Royal Higher Regional Court in November 1903, he worked as a legal clerk at the Delitzsch District Court and the Halle Regional Court. In the summer of 1905 he received his doctorate with the thesis "The testament in the area of ​​Magdeburg city law" and was from 1908 court assessor in Delitzsch and from 1909 in Danzig. There he was appointed magistrate in 1913.

From 1912 he taught public law and administrative studies at the TH Danzig . In 1923 he left the service of the university because he became the district court director in Berlin .

In 1920 he was appointed a member of the Gdańsk State Council and later that year he was elected to the Constituent Assembly, which became the First People's Day . In the People's Day he was Vice President until he left in 1923 at the end of the electoral term. He was initially a parliamentary group member of the liberal German Democratic Party ( DDP ), later through parliamentary reshuffles of the German Party for Progress and Economy and the Liberal Association.

In 1943 he lived in Berlin-Lichterfelde at Schillerstrasse 21. At least between 1946 and 1950 he was Vice President of the Halle Higher Regional Court and lived there at Handelstrasse 28.


He was the author of a large number of legal works. Until the end of 1935 he was the editor of the “Danziger Legal Monthly” and the series “Danziger Staats- und Völkerrechtliche Schriften”

  • The will in the territory of Magdeburg city law , 1906
  • Land acquisition and trust in Lübeck , 1907
  • Comment on the deposit regulations v. April 21, 1913 with training d. Implementing regulations and transitional provisions v. Feb 5, 1914
  • Constitution and administrative organization in Lübeck, Bremen and Hamburg , 1919
  • Danzig , 1921
  • The dissolution of the Gdańsk People's Day , 1925
  • The legal status of the Free City of Danzig , 1928
  • Civil Code and Introductory Act , 1931
  • The elimination of the equality of the railway tariffs in the Saar area , 1933
  • Attempt at an autobiography , 1939
  • German legal history , 1949, 20th edition


Individual evidence

  1. Berlin Address Book 1943, Part I, p. 1784 , Verlag August Scherl Successor, Berlin 1943, accessed on May 17, 2020.
  2. The Magistrate of the City of Halle (Saale) (Ed.): Hallisches Adressbuch 1946/1947, Part I., p. 249 , Mitteldeutsche Verlags-Gesellschaft mbH, Halle (Saale) 1946, accessed on May 17, 2020.
  3. ^ The Council of the State Capital Halle (p.): Address book of the state capital Halle 1950, part I, p. 322 , Mitteldeutscher Verlag GmbH, Halle (Saale) 1950, accessed on May 17, 2020.