Otto Meyer (city original)

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Otto Meyer around 1900

Otto Meyer , better known as Cigarrenhannes , was a Hamburg city ​​original from the early 20th century .

As a street trader whose entire business consisted of a single cigar box , he was a well-known figure in Hamburg at the turn of the century. He stood in front of the corner house at Spielbudenplatz 17 every day of the year, dressed in a worn brown coat and an old flat cap , and praised his cigars to passers-by with original remarks in Hamburger Platt .

Otto Meyer was such a popular figure in his day that a Hamburg variety theater staged a farce called Cigarren-Hannes . For a fee of 50 pfennigs per evening, the real cigar Hannes was hired to stand as a living advertising figure in front of the theater and sell his cigars there, away from his regular place.

Shortly before the First World War , Otto Meyer disappeared suddenly and without any indication of his whereabouts. His further fate is unknown.

When Robert Brack Otto Meyer alias "cigar Hannes" comes to thrillers The red cat (2004), The striped Monkey (2005) and The Black Snake ago (2006) as figure.


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