Otto Pertuss

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Otto Pertuss (born April 22, 1872 in Osnabrück , † August 8, 1935 in Danzig ) was a German industrial manager and politician.


Otto Pertuss had been working in Gdansk since the beginning of the 20th century. His son Robert Pertuss, who later became the board member of BMW, was born in Gdansk in 1904. From 1923 to 1935, the year of his death, he was general director of Waggonfabrik AG Danzig.

1920-1924 was Pertuss people Tags deputy and senator in addition to Office of the Free City of Danzig without portfolio in the Senate Sahm I . He was a member of the DNVP . The Corps Borussia Danzig awarded him the corps loop in 1923.


  • Hans Nehlep (Ed.): Album Academicum des Corps Baltica-Borussia Danzig 1860-1970. Berlin 1973; revised and supplemented by Degenhardt Müller, Hans-Wolfgang Nehlep and Jürgen Protz, Essen 2000, p. 189
  • Ernst Ziehm : From my political work in Danzig 1914-1939 (autobiography), p. 57