Otto Walter Cuckoo

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Otto Walter Kuckuck (born February 3, 1871 in Berlin ; † after 1942 ) was a German architect who lived and worked in Königsberg in East Prussia .


Kuckuck studied at the Technical University (Berlin-) Charlottenburg and then worked for around eight years as a research assistant at this university. In 1904 he got a job as a teacher at the building trade school in Königsberg . In 1909 he opened an office there as a freelance architect. He planned buildings in Königsberg and the surrounding area. From 1911 to 1913 Kuckuck was the editor of the magazine Neue Kunst in Alt-Prußen .

After 1914 he was involved in the restoration of over 300 buildings in East Prussia.

Buildings (selection)

Otto Walter Kuckuck designed primarily residential buildings and villas, but also other buildings, mostly with elements of reform architecture .

year place building image Remarks
1906-1907 Rauschen , today Svetlogorsk Protestant church
Храм преп.Серафима Саровского - panoramio.jpg
with Ernst (?) Wichmann, today the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov
1907 Noise Power station
1907-1908 Noise Warm bath with water tower
Водонапорная башня.  Светлогорск Раушен (1908) .JPG
Sundial attached in the 1970s
before 1910 Königsberg -Amalienau, today Kaliningrad Parish hall of the Königin-Luise-Gemeinde
1911 Koenigsberg Society house in the zoo
Königsberg 94.jpg
1912 Koenigsberg New Luisen Theater / Komische Oper
Komische Oper Königsberg.jpg
In 1927 rebuilt into the New Playhouse, rebuilt after severe war damage in 1960, heavily modified, today Dramatic Theater
1913 Georgenswalde , today Otradnoje Kurhaus
Kurhaus Ostseebad Georgenswalde F Kuhnke.jpg
1913-1914 Koenigsberg Union house
1914 Koenigsberg Reconstruction and expansion of a warehouse for the Grünbaum company not received


Individual evidence

  1. ^ The townscape of Rauschen and the surrounding landscape
  2. Anke Hoffsten: The People's House of the labor movement in Germany. Community buildings between everyday life and utopia. Böhlau Verlag, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2017, ISBN 978-3-412-50734-3 , p. 463 f. ( limited preview of Google Books )