Otto Wilhelm Krogmann

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Otto Wilhelm Krogmann (born April 24, 1866 in Hamburg ; † 1929 ) was a Hamburg businessman and politician .


Krogmann was a businessman in the company Wachsmuth & Krogmann . He worked as a commercial judge from 1896 to 1899. From 1900 to 1905 he was a member of the building deputation, then from 1905 to 1921 he was a member of the finance deputation. From 1910 to 1914 he was also a member of the high school board. From 1913 to 1919 Krogmann belonged to the Hamburg citizenship as a member of the right-wing parliamentary group . Hermann August Krogmann was his father, Richard Carl Krogmann was his brother, Werner Krogmann was his son and Carl Vincent Krogmann was his nephew.
