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Ottoshoop (South Africa)
Coordinates 25 ° 45 ′  S , 25 ° 58 ′  E Coordinates: 25 ° 45 ′  S , 25 ° 58 ′  E
Basic data
Country South Africa


District Ngaka Modiri Molema
local community Mahikeng
height 1417 m
Residents 2043 (2011)
founding 1875

Ottoshoop [ ɔtɔshʊəp ] is located north of Lichtenburg in the South African province of northwest . The place is at an altitude of 1417 meters above sea level and is about 50 kilometers north of Lichtenburg . In 2011 Ottoshoop had 2043 inhabitants.

Originally the place was called Malmani , derived from the Tswana word Melemani , German: "water point". Its development began around 1875 when gold was found there. Big plans were drawn up then. The place was named after the magistrate Cornelius Otto and the hope he had stoked back then. The name means "Otto's hope". A mine in the surrounding area is still in operation today. But the unfavorable geological conditions, above all an underground water deposit about 25 kilometers wide, made the extraction unprofitable compared to the mines of Johannesburg or Barberton . Today Ottoshoop is especially important as a train station.

Individual evidence

  1. Ottoshoop, South Africa Page ( English ) Retrieved on 4 February, 2010.
  2. Ottoshoop ( English ) Archived from the original on November 20, 2007. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved February 4, 2010. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. 2011 census , accessed November 21, 2013