Pál Gábor Engelmann

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Pál Gábor Engelmann (also Paul Engelmann ; * 1854 in Pest ; † December 9, 1916 in Budapest ) was a personality of the Hungarian labor movement , as well as the founder and leader of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party ( Magyarországi Szociáldemokrata Párt ; MSZDP).


Engelmann, a plumber by profession , joined the General Workers' Party ( Általános Munkáspárt ) in 1884 , whose revolutionary wing he led. In 1889 he finally became the leader of the Labor Party. At his instigation, the MSZDP was founded on December 7, 1890. In his endeavors Engelmann was supported by Friedrich Engels , with whom he was in correspondence.

However, under pressure from the opportunists, Engelmann was expelled from the MSZDP in January 1893. In January 1894 he therefore founded the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Hungary ( Magyarországi Szociáldemokrata Munkáspárt ), which, however, reunited with the MSZDP in May 1894. At the beginning of the 20th century Engelmann belonged to the left wing of the MSZDP. Later, especially after 1905, he came closer and closer to the positions of bourgeois radicalism .

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