Péter Varga (geophysicist)

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Péter Varga (* 1942 ) is a Hungarian geophysicist at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest . At the same time he heads the seismology department at the research institute GGRI (Hungarian: Geodéziai és Geofizikai Kutatóintézet in Sopron (Ödenburg)).

Varga's research focuses on the structure of the earth's interior , regional seismicity and states of tension, topics of geodynamics (earth rotation, earth tides and friction) and the history of science .

After studying at Moscow's Lomonossow University , he worked as a geophysicist at the Budapest Eötvös Loránd Institute . He received his doctorate in the 1980s and has been to Germany on several occasions as a Humboldt fellow. Around 1990 he became director of the GGRI Sopron and later general secretary of the geoscientific section of the Central European Initiative founded by Austria, Italy, Hungary and the ČSSR .

In addition to several memberships in international organizations, he cooperates with various institutes in Hungary and neighboring countries, where he is often a visiting professor for seismology.

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