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Original title Pühapäevakütid
Country of production Estonia
original language Estonian
Publishing year 1930
Director Baldwin Kusbock
script Gustav Pihlak
production Gustav Pihlak
camera Konstantin Märska ,
Voldemar Mannov

Pühapäevakütid (German "The Sunday Hunters ") is the title of an Estonian silent film from 1930.


A teacher and a sexton are clumsy bear hunting and experience some entanglements.

Pühapäevakütid was the second Estonian feature film after Karujaht Pärnumaal ("Bear Hunt in the Pernauer Land") from 1914 to deal with the subject of bear hunting. According to popular belief in Estonia, killing a bear gives the hunter power. In Estonia, such an act was primarily considered an initiation rite for prospective, as yet inexperienced hunters.


The comedy was also announced under the titles Karujaht ("The Bear Hunt ") and Õpetaja ja köster karujahil ("Teacher and sexton on bear hunting").

The premiere took place on May 10, 1930. The Estonian authorities, however, issued a performance ban against the comedy. They considered the content unsuitable for teenagers.

Individual evidence

  1. http://rateyourmusic.com/film/puhapaevakutid/
  2. http://www.estonica.org/et/Kultuur/Film/Eesti_film_AD_2000/
  3. http://www.kes-kus.ee/index.php?kategooria=artiklid&action=loe&artikkel_id=2266