Pallet (kitchen appliance)

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A pallet is a kitchen appliance that consists of a handle and a long, flat, evenly wide, flexible steel blade with a rounded tip. In terms of form and function, it is the kitchen analogue of a spatula . The tool is offered in a straight and cranked form, that is, with an angled carrying surface ("angled pallet"). This version is also known as a glaze knife in a smaller form . There it may be equipped with a measuring scale and an edge designed as a cutting edge. Further names are confectioner's knife and palette .


It is also suitable for lifting or turning biscuits , cookies , pieces of cake, etc.

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Individual evidence

  1. Erich Möller: Kitchen terms . Matthaes, Stuttgart 1983, ISBN 3-87516-186-6 , p. 99 .
  2. Friedrich Holtz a. a .: Textbook of the pastry shop . 5th edition. Trauner, Linz 2009, ISBN 978-3-85499-367-4 , pp. 218 .