Paolo Chiavenna

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List of discovered asteroids : 15
(9796) 1996 HW April 19, 1996 [1]
(11145) Emanuelli August 29, 1997 [2]
(15379) Alefranz August 29, 1997 [2]
(17614) 1995 UT 7 October 27, 1995 [2]
(27900) Cecconi September 7, 1996 [3]
(29424) 1997 BV 4 January 29, 1997 [4]
(31254) 1998 DK 23 February 27, 1998 [5]
(35270) Molinari September 7, 1996 [3]
(37706) 1996 RN September 8, 1996 [3]
(39734) Marchiori December 14, 1996 [1]
(55854) 1996 VS 1 November 8, 1996 [5]
(79382) 1997 GC 4 April 8, 1997 [5]
(79472) 1998 AX 4 January 6, 1998 [4]
(97356) 2000 AY 27 January 5, 2000 [4]
(120679) 1997 BW 4 January 29, 1997 [4]

Paolo Chiavenna (* in the 20th century ) is an Italian amateur astronomer and asteroid explorer .

He uses the Osservatorio Astronomico Sormano ( IAU code 587) in Sormano for his observations. In the period from 1996 to 2000, he and his colleagues discovered 15 asteroids.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Minor Planet Discoverers