Paolo Paoloni

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Paolo Arturo Paoloni (born July 24, 1929 in Bodio TI , Switzerland ; † January 9, 2019 in Rome ) was an Italian actor .


Paolo Paoloni made his screen debut in 1968 with the comedy La pecora nera directed by Luciano Salce . In the following 50 years he was in films such as Evening Without Alibi , Naked and Mangled and Fellini's Ship of Dreams , including in Stradivari at the side of Anthony Quinn and in Double Team at the side of Jean-Claude Van Damme played. His work includes more than 50 film and television productions.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1968: La pecora nera
  • 1971: Evening without an alibi (In nome del popolo italiano)
  • 1975: The biggest cattle far and wide (Fantozzi)
  • 1977: Help, she loves me (L'altra metà del cielo)
  • 1979: Dr. Jekyll's scary horror trip (Dottor Jekyll e gentile signora)
  • 1980: A bank clerk in distress (Rag.Arturo De Fanti, bancario - precario)
  • 1980: Naked and mangled (Cannibal Holocaust)
  • 1983: Fellini's Ship of Dreams (E la nave va)
  • 1988: Stradivarius
  • 1989: The horror clock (La casa nel tempo)
  • 1990: The Abduction of Achille Lauro (Voyage of Terror: The Achille Lauro Affair)
  • 1990: The King's Whore (La Putain du roi)
  • 1990: One night with Alice (Stasera a casa di Alice)
  • 1993: The Killer Code (Killer Rules)
  • 1997: Double Team
  • 1999: Falcone - In the crosshairs of the Mafia (Excellent Cadavers)
  • 2002: Ripley's Game
  • 2012: The Haunting of Helena
  • 2018: Benedetta follia

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