Papeles de un cesante

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Papeles de un cesante. La política desde la barrera ( Spanish : papers of an unemployed person ) is a book by the former Spanish Prime Minister Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo , published in 1999.

The book includes conference texts, speeches and lectures, as well as reports on participation in seminars. The book is divided into four sections on Europe, Spain, People and Misc. It deals with the European Union , NATO , the attempted coup 23-F , ETA terrorism , the Spanish constitution and the José Ortega y Gasset Foundation , of which he was president. He writes about personalities such as Adolfo Suárez , José María de Areilza , Juan Antonio García Díez, Mingote , Xavier Zubiri , Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and François Mitterrand .


The journalist and university professor Justino Sinova writes:

"Despite their wide range of topics, the texts maintain their similarities through the described properties of Calvo-Sotelo's rhetoric and the intelligent observation and irony that is so often tempted to end in satire."

Ignacio Sánchez Cámara, Rector of the Catholic University of Valencia Saint Vincent the Martyr, assesses the book as follows:

“While the style reproduces the person, the excellent prose of the educated 'cesante' proclaims the nature of the author: intelligent, ironic, sometimes aloof, an occasional complaining attitude towards the treatise, sometimes critical but never destructive. This is the character and style that pave the way for the UCD to be a successful politician. Had the party not existed, according to the author, they would have become centrists. When the politician is removed from office, the intellectual personality speaks. While it can be doubted whether the citizen wins, it will be certain that the reader will. "


  • Papeles de un cesante. La política desde la barrera. Galaxia Gutenberg, Barcelona 1999. ISBN 978-84-8109-234-9

Individual evidence

  1. a b Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, un retrato intelectual, by Pedro Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martín (ed.), Madrid, 2010, p. 29
  2. unemployed . In: ABC Cultural . February 20, 1999.