Papias (Koroplast)

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Young man leaning against a term. Louvre , Paris

Papias ( ancient Greek Παπίας ) was a Greek coroplast who was born in the second half of the 1st century BC. And was active in Myrina in Asia Minor in the first half of the 1st century .

Papias is known from a number of clay statuettes that were found in the necropolis of Myrina, he was one of the most productive coroplasters from Myrina during the Roman Empire . Stylistically, his works are close to those of Diphilos , which is why Papias is suspected of having worked in the Diphilos workshop at times.

His work is characterized by the variety of motifs, which is unusual for the mostly serially produced myrinic coroplasty. There are figures of a half-clothed Aphrodite leaning against a column , the Knidische Aphrodite , the Leda with the swan, Dionysus with Eros and panther, a draped woman and a young man leaning against a pillar.


  • Dominique Kassab: Statuettes en terre cuite de Myrina. Corpus des signatures, monogrammes, lettres et signes . Paris 1988, nos. 54-55. (Bibliothèque de l'Institut français d'études anatoliennes d'Istanbul, 29).
  • Rainer Vollkommer : Papias (I) . In: Rainer Vollkommer (Hrsg.): Künstlerlexikon der Antike . Over 3800 artists from three millennia. Nikol, Hamburg 2007, ISBN 978-3-937872-53-7 , p. 619.


  1. Istanbul Archaeological Museum , inventory number M 2285.
  2. ^ Istanbul Archaeological Museum, inventory number 2438; Louvre Paris, inventory number Myrina 971.
  3. ^ National Archaeological Museum of Athens , inventory number 4831.