Parananochromis longirostris

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Parananochromis longirostris
Parananochromis longirostris.jpg

Parananochromis longirostris

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Chromidotilapiini
Genre : Parananochromis
Type : Parananochromis longirostris
Scientific name
Parananochromis longirostris
( Boulenger , 1903)

Parananochromis longirostris ( Syn .: Nanochromis longirostris , Pelmatochromis longirostris ) is a species of fish from the family of cichlids , which occurs in southern Cameroon and northeastern Gabon in the catchment area of ​​the Ivindo and Ntem rivers. It is the type species of the genus Parananochromis .


Male Parananochromis longirostris reach a total length of 15 cm, females remain significantly smaller. The fish have a moderately elongated body, the height of which is 31.1 and 35.3% of the standard length. The head length is 31.4 to 34.7% of the standard length . The snout, in fish the area between the front edge of the eye and the tip of the mouth, is relatively long ( longirostris = long snout) and pointed. The mouth is medium in size, the lower jaw is more or less horizontally in line with the flat section of the abdomen. The tail stalk is usually higher than it is long, but sometimes a little longer than it is high. The caudal fin is rounded, in males the upper area can be slightly extended.

The anterior, upper lateral line is high, only separated from the base of the dorsal fin by one or 1.5 rows of scales.

Parananochromis longirostris is gray to light brown in color, the belly is lighter. The chest and throat are cream-colored to whitish, the cheek and gill cover are light yellow. Often there is a weak vertical stripe pattern, as well as a central longitudinal band that extends from the gill cover to the caudal peduncle. Tear streaks are usually present. Each scale on the fuselage has a central, turquoise-blue or silvery point with a dark border. The upper half of the eye is red. The soft-rayed section of the dorsal fin has a white border, below is a reddish line. The soft rayed section of the dorsal fin, the posterior section of the anal fin and the caudal fin are gray in both sexes with rows of light blue spots. The latter are more pronounced in the males than in the females. The front section of the anal fin is light purple. The pelvic fins are light blue, their front edge is white.


Parananochromis longirostris forms monogamous pairs for reproduction and is a substrate spawner that spawns in caves. In the cave, the eggs and fry are looked after primarily by the female before they swim free. After swimming free, the male also participates in the protection and guidance of the young fish.

Individual evidence

  1. Melanie Stiassny, Guy Teugels & Carl D. Hopkins: The Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa, Volume 2 , ISBN 978-9074752213 , pages 283-285.
  2. a b Anton Lamboj: The cichlids of western Africa. Publisher: Natur und Tier, 2006, ISBN 386-659000-8 , pages 172-173.
  3. Parananochromis longirostris on (English)