Park and rail

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The term Park and rail ( Engl. "Parking and train ride") describes a link principle in the transport planning . At the junction (usually a long-distance train station), travelers can park their vehicle on reserved parking spaces and continue their journey by train. In contrast to the park-and-ride principle , however, this offer is limited to long-distance traffic and is usually offered by transport companies as an additional chargeable service (similar to the park-and-fly principle ). Advantages for the user are the elimination of the need to search for a parking space as well as a quick and easy transfer from the car to the train.

This concept has been implemented in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1972 under the name “ Parking and Travel ”.


Linking cars and long-distance trains generally makes sense if the following conditions are met:

  • The costs for the journey to the train station and for parking the vehicle are lower than those for a taxi.
  • The journey to the long-distance train station is not possible with public transport or only takes a lot of time.
  • The vehicle is not required at the destination.
  • Safe parking of the vehicle is possible and it is not required during the trip (for example by the partner).
  • At the end of the journey, the traveler returns to the station of departure.


Several large transport companies offer their customers parking near the train station as an additional service. Park & ​​Rail is an offer from Deutsche Bahn , where Deutsche Bahn customers receive cheaper tariffs at around 50 larger train stations for a paid parking facility. Billing is based on the number of parking days (daily rate), Bahncard holders receive a discount.

The Swiss SBB and the Luxembourg Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois offer day tickets for parking under the name P + Rail and Park + Rail .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Research Society for Roads and Transport: Notes on P + R in small and medium-sized towns . FGSV Verlag, Cologne 1998, p. 8 .
  2. a b Tom Reinhold: Park & ​​Rail - An individual and macroeconomic view of interfaces between motorized individual transport and long-distance passenger rail transport . Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-7983-1713-5 , pp. 15 .
  3. a b Park & ​​Rail on
  4. FOCUS-TEST: Focal point train station FOCUS Magazin, No. 43, 1994
  5. P + Rail ( Memento of the original from July 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. CFL parking space reservation