Pascal Engel

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Pascal Engel (born January 17, 1954 ) is a French philosopher .


Engel studied at the École normal supérieure and at the Sorbonne in Paris. He received his doctorate in 1981 with the thesis Identité et référence and completed his habilitation in 1990 (Doctorat d'Etat) with the thesis Davidson et la semantique formelle pour les langues naturelle . From 1992 to 1998 he was professor at the University of Caen and from 1998 to 2006 at the Sorbonne in Paris. Since 2006 he has been a professor at the University of Geneva . He is a co-founder of ESAP . From 1993 to 1997 he was President of SOPHA (Société de philosophie analytique). Since 2005 he has been the editor of Dialectica magazine . In 2013 he was accepted as a full member of the Academia Europaea .


Pascal Engel is known for his work in the fields of the philosophy of logic , the philosophy of language , epistemology and the philosophy of mind and as a translator of the work of Donald Davidson .



  • Identité et référence, la théorie des noms propres chez Frege et Kripke. Presses de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris 1985.
  • La Norme du vrai, philosophie de la logique. Gallimard, Paris 1989.
  • Etats d'esprit, questions de philosophie de l'esprit. Alinéa, Aix-en-Provence 1992. 2nd edition: Introduction à la philosophie de l'esprit. La Découverte, Paris 1994.
  • Davidson et la philosophie du langage. PUF, Paris 1994.
  • Philosophy et psychology. Gallimard, Paris 1996.
  • La dispute, an introduction à la philosophie analytique. Minuit, Paris 1997.
  • La verite, reflections on quelques truismes. Hatier, 1998.
  • with Jérôme Dokic: Ramsey. Vérité et succès. PUF, Paris 2001.
  • Truth. Bucks, Acumen, 2002
  • with Richard Rorty : A quoi bon la verité. Grasset, Paris 2005.
  • Va savoir! De la connaissance en general. Hermann, Paris 2007.


  • Précis de philosophie analytique. you, Paris 2000.
  • with Julien Dutant: Philosophy de la connaissance: Croyance, connaissance, justification. dir, Paris, Vrin 2005.


  • with C. Tiercelin: Thomas Nagel : Questions mortelles. PUF, Paris 1983.
  • Daniel Dennett : La stratégie de l'interprète. Gallimard, Paris 1990.
  • Donald Davidson : Paradoxes de l'irrationalité. Ed. de L'Eclat, Combas 1991.
  • John von Neumann : L'ordinateur et le cerveau. La Découverte, Paris 1992. Reprint: Flammarion, 1996.
  • Donald Davidson : Actions et les événements. PUF, Paris 1993. [1]
  • Donald Davidson : Enquêtes sur la vérité et l'interprétation. Jacqueline Chambon, Nîmes 1993.
  • Daniel Dennett : La conscience expliquée. Odile Jacob, Paris 1993.
  • Michael Walzer : Spheres de justice. Seuil, Paris 1997.
  • Daniel Dennett : Darwin est-il dangereux? L'évolution et les sens de la vie. Odile Jacob, Paris 2000.
  • with Mathieu Marion: Frank Plumpton Ramsey : Logique, philosophie et probabilités. dir, Vrin 2003.

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Directory of members: Pascal Engel. Academia Europaea, accessed on September 2, 2017 .