Pasquale Galluppi

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Pasquale Galluppi

Pasquale Galluppi (born April 2, 1770 in Tropea , † December 13, 1846 in Naples ) was an Italian philosopher .


Galluppi, who emerged from the experimental psychological school of Antonio Genovesi , held a position in the administration of finances for many years, but devoted himself to philosophical, in particular psychological and epistemological, studies with such persistent zeal that, after his since 1819 writings that had appeared and had remained unnoticed for a long time, especially (1827-29) Gian Domenico Romagnosis , had finally been allowed to climb the chair of philosophy in Naples in 1831 , which he held until his death.

Galluppi was not the first in Italy to draw attention to Kant , which the Abbé Soave had done before him in his Istituzioni based on the book by the French Charles de Villers , but he was the first in Italy to understand Kant's importance and she made understandable to the Italians.

His first writings, an apologetic memorandum and a treatise on synthesis and analysis , are insignificant. Kant's influence reveals his first larger work: Saggio filosofico sulla critica della conoscenza , whose first two volumes appeared in 1819, the other two not until 1832, as well as his main work: Elementi di filosofia and his Lettere filosofiche .

Without going along with the man he admires, whose theory of synthetic judgments he rather rejects, and whose alleged subjectivity of knowledge of the outside world he denies, he goes beyond the sensualism of Condillacs , which has become dominant through Romagnosi in the north and Genovesi in the south of Italy and seeks following the pattern of the Scot Thomas Reid between John Locke and Kant, empiricism and transcendental idealism, to strike a middle path.

On this he gets there, unlike Kant human knowledge objective value and the ability to grant, with two former directly, indirectly with the third, us with the triple reality of the self, the world and the deity in rapport to set .


The writings published during his academic teaching activities:

  • Saggio filosofico sulla critica della conoscenza umana
  • Lettere filosofiche su le vicende della filosofia, relativamente a 'principj delle conoscenze umane da Cartesio sino a Kant inclusivamente
  • Elementi di Filosofia; Lezioni di Logica e Metafisica
  • Filosofia della volontà
  • Considerazioni filosofiche sull 'idealismo trascendentale
  • Storia della Filisofia