Pastoral medicine

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The term pastoral medicine describes a special discipline in the canon of Christian theology , which is assigned to practical theology and is one of its oldest sub-disciplines.

Delimitation and border issues

Pastoral medicine combines topics from anthropology and special metaphysics , medicine , psychiatry and ethics as well as theology in the understanding that some questions obviously cannot be answered purely medically, but also not purely pastorally. This specialist discipline stands exactly at the interface between medicine and pastoral care and approaches borderline questions with its methods. It was also about concrete information from working clerics about medical issues and about support for their work in the pastoral care of the sick or in the transfer of information from the pulpit, e.g. B. on questions of hygiene; From a technical systematic point of view, however, the focus is on borderline questions of the disciplines as well as topics that in today's organization of theological disciplines largely belong to theological ethics .

History of the subject

The sub-discipline pastoral medicine emerged in the 17th to 18th centuries. The original definition of the subject is based on an understanding of pastoral theology, which understands it as instruction of the believers not only in pastoral, but also generally important - and therefore medical - questions. Around 1800 z. B. In pastoral theology a pastor also learned how to teach peasants hygiene from the pulpit. Such an understanding of the subject can be identified as dominant up to around 1850 and in some cases also into the late 19th century. Similar sermons are still held in the 20th century.

Pastoral Medicine Today

The last major publications, which call themselves "pastoral medicine" and are part of the continuity of this subject, existed until the 1950s. After the council, the content of pastoral medicine on the one hand migrated into pastoral psychology , on the other hand and largely into moral theology . The chair denominations of "pastoral medicine" have continued for some time in some places. Gottfried Roth († 2006), for example, held a lectureship in pastoral medicine in Vienna from 1971–77, then from 1979 in St. Pölten and from 1990–96 at the Rolduc Church Institute in the Netherlands.

Individual evidence

  1. See Adolf Slabý: Art. Pastoralmedizin , in: Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche , Vol. 7, 1441.


Primary texts
  • Journal Doctor and Christ , Catholic Medical Association of Austria
  • Adolf Allwohn : Protestant pastoral medicine, laying the foundations for healing pastoral care, Evangelisches Verlagswerk, Stuttgart 1970.
  • Albert-Mathias Bering : Attempt at pastoral medicine , first Münster 1809, new edition with foreword by Frank Löhrer at AFV, Ariadne-Fach-Verlag, Aachen 1999.
  • MJ Bluff: Pastoral Medicine , Cologne 1827.
  • FX Britzger: Manual of pastoral medicine for pastoral workers in the country . With special consideration of the sanitary laws and ordinances applicable in the southern German states, Regensburg 1848/1859.
  • Carl Franz Nicolaus Capellmann / W. Bergmann: Pastoral Medicine , Paderborn 19. A. 1923.
  • Carl Franz Nicolaus Capellmann : Pastoral medicine , Pustet, New York 1879, online at .
  • Ernst Josef Gustav de Valenti : Medicina clerica , or: Manual of pastoral medicine for pastoral care workers , pedagogues and doctors along with dietetics for clergymen, 2 vols., F. Köhler, Leipzig 1831–32, online at Google Books .
  • Iganz Familler : Pastoral Psychiatry , A Handbook for the Pastoral Care of the Mentally Ill, Herder, Freiburg i. Br. 1898.
  • M. Macher: Pastoral medicine for pastoral workers , Augsburg 1847.
  • Franz Xaver Mezler : On the influence of the healing arts on practical theology ; a contribution to pastoral medicine, Ulm 1794.
  • Albert Niedermeyer : General Pastoral Medicine , 2 vols., Herder, Vienna 1955.
  • Albert Niedermeyer : Handbook of special pastoral medicine , 6 vols. [The human sex life; Marriage and sex life; Pregnancy, abortion, childbirth; The medical intervention; Soul suffering and soul healing; Dying and Death], Herder, Vienna 1949–1952.
  • Ernst WM v. Olfers: Pastoral Medicine . The natural science in the field of Catholic morality and pastoral care. A manual for the Catholic clergy, Herder, Freiburg 1881/1911.
  • HCA Osthoff: On the relationship of the clergyman to the doctor and the sick , Berlin 1806.
  • Anselm Ricker OSB: Pastoral psychiatry for use by pastors , self-published, Vienna 1888.
  • CHT Schreger: Manual of pastoral medicine for Christian pastors , Halle 1823.
  • Rudolf Steiner : The interaction of doctors and pastors , pastoral medical course, lectures 1924, Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach 4th A. 1994.
  • August Stöhr : Handbook of pastoral medicine with special consideration of hygiene , Herder, Freiburg 1. A. 1878, 5. A. 1909.
  • AM Vering: Attempt at pastoral medicine , Münster 1809.
  • Karl Josef Hieronymus Windischmann : About something that the healing art needs. An attempt to combine this art with Christian philosophy , Leipzig 1824, online at Google Books.
Secondary literature and recent contributions to pastoral medicine
  • Heinz Fleckenstein : Tasks and possibilities of a so-called pastoral medicine , in: Würzburger Universitätsreden 23 (1957), pp. 5–22.
  • Heinz Fleckenstein: Pastoral Medicine , in: Lexicon for Theology and Church 2. A., Vol. 8 (1963), 160–162.
  • L. Host / H. Gastager: Pastoral Medicine , in: F. Klostermann / K. Rahner / H. Schild (eds.): Handbuch der Pastoraltheologie, Vol. 5 [Lexicon of Pastoral Theology], Freiburg i. Br. 1972, pp. 388-391.
  • Elisabeth Kovács, Gottfried Roth : Anselm Ricker and his pastoral psychiatry 1824-1902 / 03 ; from the beginnings pastoral medicine. Teaching at the Catholic theol. Faculty of the University of Vienna, Wiener Dom-Verlag, Vienna 1973, ISBN 3853510604
  • August Laumer: Heinz Fleckenstein (1907-1995) - pastoral and moral theologian in Regensburg and Würzburg . Life and work (studies on theology and practice of pastoral care 59), Würzburg 2005.
  • Maren Lorenz : Criminal Bodies - Disturbed Minds , The Standardization of the Individual in Forensic Medicine and Psychiatry of Enlightenment, Hamburg 1999.
  • Th. Nauck: Pastoral medicine at the University of Freiburg i. B. 1812 / 13-1877 , in: Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv 71 (1915), 67–86, online .
  • Heinrich Pompeÿ : The importance of medicine for church pastoral care in the self- image of so-called pastoral medicine  : a bibliographical-historical investigation up to the middle of the 19th century. Friborg [u. a.]: Herder, 1968 (= studies on theology of pastoral care; 23) Zugl .: Würzburg, Univ., Diss.
  • Heinrich Pompey: Pastoral medicine - the contribution of pastoral care to psycho-physical health, a bibliographical-historical analysis, in: Arthur E. Imhof (ed.): Man and health in history: Lectures at an international colloquium in Berlin from 20. to Sept. 23, 1978, Treatises on the history of medicine and natural sciences 39, Matthiesen, Husum 1980, pp. 115-134, online (PDF; 6.3 MB).
  • Heinrich Pompey: Progress in medicine and Christian humanity  : the service of practical theology in medicine in upheaval. Würzburg: Echter, 1974. Zugl .: Würzburg, Univ., Habil.-Schr. ud T .: Pompey, Heinrich: Aporias and limits of today's pastoral anthropology in the service of a medicine in transition.
  • Heinrich Pompey: Aporia and self-understanding of so-called pastoral medicine in the course of its history , doctoral lecture, in: Humanitas Christiana 21 (1968), pp. 3–11, online (PDF; 1.5 MB).
  • Heinrich Pompey: Pastoral psychology - the development of the oldest sub-discipline of applied psychology, in: Psychologie und Praxis 16 (1972), pp. 168-175, online (PDF; 1.0 MB).
  • Heinrich Pompey: Medicine , in: Ferdinand Klostermann (Ed.): Practical Theology Today, Kaiser, Munich 1974, pp. 394–404, online (PDF; 1.5 MB).
  • Dietrich Rössler: Rectory and medicine , in: Martin Greiffenhagen (ed.): The evangelical rectory. A cultural and social history. Stuttgart 2. A. 1991, pp. 231–246, also in: Ders .: Tradition and Experience , Collected Essays on Practical Theology, ed. v. Christian Albrecht and Martin Weeber, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2006, ISBN 978-3-16-149012-5 .
  • Gottfried Roth : On the inner connection between medical ethics and pastoral medicine , in: E. Kull (ed.): Ethik und Technik , Zurich 1989, 279–291.