Heinrich Pompeÿ

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Heinrich Pompeÿ (born November 20, 1936 in Rheine ) is a German theologian , psychologist , social ethicist and Caritas scientist .


After completing a banking apprenticeship (1953-1955) and graduating from the Collegium Marianum in Neuss (1960) studied Heinrich Pompey Catholic theology , psychology and philosophy at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Muenster and closed his studies at the University of Würzburg with the academic degrees of Lic. theol. (1964) and Dipl. Psych. (1971). In 1966 he was in Würzburg with the dissertation “The importance of medicine for church pastoral care in the self-image of so-called pastoral medicine. A bibliographical and historical study up to the middle of the 19th century ”to obtain a doctorate in theology . In 1973 he completed his habilitation at the Julius Maximilians University in Würzburg with the thesis “ Progress in Medicine and Christian Humanity. The service of practical theology in a medicine in transition ”for the subject pastoral theology and taught there between 1974 and 1978 as a university lecturer. In 1978 he was appointed associate professor for pastoral theology and pastoral psychology at the University of Würzburg.

In 1988 he was appointed full professor and director of the Institute for Caritas Science and Christian Social Work at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg im Breisgau, which he headed until 2004. Since 2004 he has been honorary professor at the Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia (Spain). In 2005 he took over the chair for Christian social work at the Cyril and Methodius Theological Faculty of the Palacký University in Olomouc . He also teaches Caritas Studies at the Gustav Siewerth Academy .

Pompey is a member of the Catholic student associations Walhalla Würzburg and Brisgovia Freiburg in the KV .


In the first phase of his academic career in Würzburg, Heinrich Pompeÿ devoted himself in particular to questions relating to the relationship between psychology, medicine and theology and, from a theological perspective, established the interaction between theology and human sciences for pastoral-psychological and social-diaconal activities of the church. His approach to relational theology deserves special mention (Pompey: LThK3, Freiburg 1994, 358–359).

Due to his many years of collaboration in Catholic marriage, family and life counseling, marriage and family became a further focus of his research.

The renewal of the diaconate in the German dioceses after the Second Vatican Council and the introduction of pastoral services for lay theologians are another field to which Pompeÿ devoted himself in several publications.

When he took over the chair for Caritas Science in Freiburg in 1988, the research areas expanded to include the fields of charity work (poverty, old age, addiction, families, illness, management, etc.). Heinrich Pompeÿ updated christological, trinity theological and ecclesiological aspects of the theology of charity and integrated knowledge of human sciences into teaching and research in charity sciences. In the 1990s he made a decisive contribution to the profiling of Caritas Studies and to the dialogue between theology and the human and social sciences, as the numerous empirical research work of his students (1994–2004 www.soziale-theologie.net) show. In 1993, Pompeÿ in Freiburg introduced the state-recognized diploma course in Caritas Science (Dipl. Carwiss.) At the Theological Faculty, which served as a model for other Catholic faculties and universities and has been continued as a master’s course since 2007: Passau (1997), Paderborn (1999), Linz, Münster (since 2003 Lic. Theol. In Diakonik) and Murcia (since 2005 Master in Social Development). In the dispute about the adoption of a model for the Caritas associations in Germany in 1996, he represented a clear theological profile and, in addition to the institutional Caritas work, underlined its church and community ties. International collaborations with Finland, Slovenia, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Korea, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary etc. were established as early as the early 1990s, which led to intensive interreligious and intercultural discussions about helping behavior and solidarity as further research perspectives (see publications). In the area of ​​the management of church institutions and services, Heinrich Pompey was particularly concerned with quality management. Since the publication of the encyclical “Deus caritas est” (2006), Prof. Pompeÿ has been supporting the practical implementation of this basic document in various contexts (universities, committees, dioceses, Caritas associations, institutions, etc.).


Extract from more than 300 publications by Heinrich Pompeÿ. A complete register up to 2015 was found on the author's website.

  • Pompey, H., The importance of medicine for church pastoral care in the self-image of so-called pastoral medicine: a bibliographical-historical investigation up to the middle of the 19th century. Freiburg [u. a.]: Herder, 1968 (Studies on theology of pastoral care; 23) Zugl .: Würzburg, Univ., Diss.
  • Pompey, H., Advances in Medicine and Christian Humanity: The Service of Practical Theology to Medicine in Transition. Würzburg: Echter, 1974. Zugl .: Würzburg, Univ., Habil.-Schr. ud T .: Pompey, Heinrich: Aporias and limits of today's pastoral anthropology in the service of a medicine in transition.
  • Pompey, H. et al. a. (Ed.), Practical Dictionary of Pastoral Anthropology. Concern for people. Herder: Vienna, 1975.
  • Pompey, H., The Reception of Psychology by Pastoral Science in the Course of History, in: Ways to People 30 (1978), 412-423.
  • Pompey, H., Theological-Soteriological Perspectives of the Relationship between Pastoral Care and Human Sciences, in: Lebendige Seelsorge 30 (1979), 283-293.
  • Pompey, H., Pastoral Conversation. Letter D 2 of “Theology in Distance Course”, Pastoral Services course, 1st revised edition 1996 of the 1980 version, Würzburg 1996.
  • Pompey, H., The Telos and Ethos of Pain and Suffering, in: Recent Results in Cancer Research. Vol. 89, Berlin 1984, 28-32.
  • Pompey, H., Mentally Ill and the Church's Salvation Mission. Theological anthropological aspects of the service of the congregations for suffering people, in: Caritas 87 (1986), 83-95.
  • Pompey, H., Theological-psychological basic conditions of pastoral counseling, in: Lade, E. (Ed.), Christian ABC today and tomorrow. Handbook for Life Questions and Church Adult Education, Bad Homburg 1978 ff. (Supplementary Delivery No. 6, 1986), 179-209.
  • Pompey, H., Helping and healing from an ecological systemic point of view, in: Caritas 90, Freiburg 1990, 23-35.
  • Pompey, H., On the history of pastoral psychology, in: Baumgartner, I. (Ed.), Handbuch der Pastoralpsychologie, Regensburg 1990, 23-40.
  • Pompey, H., The way of the church is man, in: Greshake, G. (Ed.), Ruf Gottes - Antwort des Menschen, Würzburg 1991, 146-177.
  • Glatzel N .; Pompey H. (Ed.), Mercy or Justice? On the tension between Christian social work and Christian social teaching, Freiburg, Lambertus 1991.
  • Pompey, H., The profile of Caritas and the identity of its employees, in: Caritas 93 Freiburg 1992, 11-40.
  • Pompey, H., Psychosocial aspects of poverty and impoverishment, in: Rauscher, A. (Ed.), Mönchengladbacher Talks 14, Problems of the Social Security Systems, Cologne 1993, 163-210.
  • Pompey, H., Healing and Helping from the Power of Faith - Aspects of a Spirituality of Nursing, in: Texte '93, ed. v. Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Paderborn eV, Paderborn 1993, 1-16.
  • Pompey, H., Relationship Theology, in: LThK3, Freiburg 1994, 358-359.
  • Pompey, H., Caritas, in: LThK3, Freiburg 1994, 947-950.
  • Pompey, H., Caritaswissenschaft, in: LThK3, Freiburg 1994, 953.
  • Pompey, H., Charitable Engagement - Learning Place of Faith and Community, Efficiency Study of a Basic and Advanced Course to get to know theological aspects of the model of social-diaconal help and to sensitize the participants for the communal, community-based character of church social services, Würzburg 1994.
  • Pompey, H., Scientific postgraduate course “Caritas Science” for postgraduates at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau, in: Furger, F. u. a. (Ed.), Yearbook for Christian Social Sciences, Volume 36, Münster 1995. Also in: Camillianum, Rivista dell 'Instituto Internazionali di Teolologia Pastorale Sanitaria 6 (1995), 321-323.
  • Pompey, H., Nolte, M., More Profile through a Spirituality of Helping, in: Lebendige Seelsorge 47 (1996), 130-133.
  • Pompey, H., Mercy - Leitwort Christian Diakonie, in: The new order 51 (1997), 244 - 258.
  • Pompey, H. (Ed.), Caritas - The human face of faith: Ecumenical and international impulses of a diaconal theology, Würzburg 1997.
  • Pompey, H., Biblical and theological foundations of charitable works, in: Acts of the World Congress on Charity, Rom 1999, 106-132.
  • Pompey, H., Caritas Science at the Service of the Church's Charitable Diakonia. What is Caritaswissenschaft ?, in: Theologie und Glaube 91 (2/2001), 189-223.
  • Lazewski, W. / Pompey, H. / Skorowski, H. (Eds.), Caritas Christi urget nos. Caritas w Europie trzecim tysiacleciu, Caritas in Europe in the third millennium, Caritas in Europe in the 3rd millennium, International Caritas Science Congress 22. – 26. September 1999, Warszawa 2000. (Polish / English / German)
  • Pompey, H., Caritas between economization / management and the claim of the charitable-diaconal practice of Jesus, in: Lüttig, J., / Schallenberg, P. (Hrsg.), Caritative action between the Bible and the balance sheet, Dortmund 2000, 5-54.
  • Pompey, H., Caritas under the claim of Jesus, in: The New Order 54 (2000), 105-122.
  • Pompey, H., Diakonie in interreligious and intercultural dialogue, in: Ruddat, G. ,; Schäfer, G., K. (Ed.), Diakonisches Kompendium, Göttingen 2005, 158-186
  • Pompey, H., Learning to discover solidarity and helping in an interreligious perspective, in: Adam, G., Hanisch, H., Schmidt H., Zitt, R. (Eds.), On the way to a culture of helping - Handbuch des diakonisch- social learning. Stuttgart 2006, 115-129
  • Horn, Jan Christoph; Pompey, Heinrich (ed.), The love of Christ urges us (2 Cor 5:14). Caritas science research for charitable diaconal engagement. Vol. 1-3. Neuenstedt: Book on Demand.
  • Pompey, Heinrich, The encyclical "Deus Caritas est". Profiling for Caritas? In: The New Order 60, No. 2 (2006), 96-110.
  • Pompey, Heinrich, on the new profile of the charitable diakonia of the church. The encyclical “Deus caritas est”. Comment and evaluation. Würzburg: Echter 2007.
  • Klasvogt, Peter ; Pompey, Heinrich (Ed.), Love Moves ... and Changes the World - Program advertisement for a church that loves. To the encyclical Deus caritas est Pope Benedict XVI. Analyzes - Perspectives - Strategies. Paderborn: Bonifatius Verlag 2008.

Participation in church services and committees

  • 1971–1978 therapeutic employee of the Catholic marriage, family and life counseling in Würzburg.
  • 1979–1984 Member of Commission 8 “Basic Pastoral Issues” of the Central Committee of German Catholics.
  • 1979–1989 member of the Diocesan Council of Catholics of the Diocese of Würzburg.
  • 1980 to 1988 member of the specialist commission for telephone counseling of the Catholic Federal Working Group of Carriers of Educational Advice Centers, Marriage, Family and Life Counseling Centers and Telephone Counseling in Bonn.
  • 1982–1991 adviser to the Pastoral Commission of the German Bishops' Conference.
  • Since 1982 advisory member of the Catholic-Social-Ethical Office (KSA) of the German Bishops' Conference (prevention of alcohol, drug and sect addiction).
  • 1983 to 2006 expert at the Colloquium European Parishes - Colloque Européen des Paroisses (CEP).
  • 1986–1989 pastoral advisory board of the Catholic Faith Information (kgi) Frankfurt.
  • Since 1989 board member and board member of the AGJ - Association for Prevention and Rehabilitation in the Archdiocese of Freiburg .
  • 1991–2001 advisor to the Caritas Commission of the German Bishops' Conference and advisory board of the Social Psychiatric Service / Psychosocial Counseling Center Freiburg
  • 1992–1997 Science. Advisory board of the German Family Federation.
  • Since 1993 member of the Diocesan Charity Council Freiburg.
  • Since 1994 member of the Marienhaus St. Johann eV association for old people's and nursing homes in Freiburg.
  • Since 1995 advisory board of the helper group for expectant mothers in distress eV and of the "House of Life" for unexpectedly pregnant women in Freiburg.
  • Since 1995 specialist consultant for CoLibri Quality Management Service, Denzlingen ( [1] ).
  • Since 1996 advisory member of the consultation group of the social institute Kommende Dortmund of the Archdiocese of Paderborn .
  • Since 2000 advisory board of the Fundaţia “Solidaritate şi Speranţă” of the Romanian-Orthodox metropolis of Moldova and Bukowina / Romania.

Membership in scientific and social communities / associations



  • Lahtinen, Mikko (et al.) Anno Domini 2006. Diakoniatieteen vuosikirja. Festschrift for the 70th birthday. Lahten 2006, ISSN  1458-5340

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Publications (in time). (No longer available online.) In: heinrich-pompey.de. Archived from the original on August 30, 2018 ; accessed on August 19, 2020 .
  2. Velena Mazochová: Leading European theologian and psychologist Heinrich Pompey received on honorary doctorate. In: upol.cz. Palacký University, Olomouc, October 31, 2017, accessed on November 6, 2017 .