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Patron-Driven-Acquisition ( PDA ), in English "customer-controlled acquisition", is an acquisition model for media in the library sector in which the customer makes the purchase decision. With this acquisition model, customers are offered a variety of publications, but these are only purchased from the library when the customer actually uses them.


Patron-Driven-Acquisition is also known in the English-language literature by the following synonyms: Demand-Driven-Acquisition, Patron-Selection Programs, User-Driven Collection, Research-Driven Acquisition Model and Patron-Initiated Purchase. In Germany, however, the term Patron-Driven-Acquisition has established itself. This acquisition model can be used for both electronic books ( e-books ) and print materials, but German-language literature increasingly refers to e-books.


By means of patron-driven acquisition, the customers are given the power to make decisions about building up the inventory; acquisition through the decisions of a librarian is withdrawn in favor of greater user orientation. Another advantage of this model is that the publications can be used by customers "just-in-time" and regardless of location.

Historical development

Since the end of the twentieth century, libraries' lending statistics have shown a trend towards ever less use of the print media they have purchased by customers. This can be seen as the reason for the development of the idea for Patron-Driven-Acquisition.

The idea was created independently in North America by the company NetLibrary and in Australia and Europe by the company Ebooks Corporation.

Historical development in North America

In order to be able to implement the idea of ​​the Patron-Driven-Acquisition, a model was developed by the company NetLibrary in 1999, which should enable this type of acquisition. It is considered to be the first patron-driven acquisition model. For this purpose, the company NetLibrary negotiated a contract with the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries . In 2002 OCLC took over Netlibrary due to bankruptcy. Due to the high implementation costs, the contract with the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries was terminated in 2006, a new Patron-Driven Acquisition was developed and launched in 2009. During the development of the new model, NetLibrary was funded by the e-book aggregator EBSCO Information Services , which acquired NetLibrary in 2010, further developed the model and made it usable in July 2011 under the name eBooks on EBSCOhost.

Historical development in Australia and Europe

Almost at the same time, the Ebooks Corporation in Australia was planning to offer an e-book service for libraries. Based on a cooperation with the Curtin University library , a suitable e-book platform called the Ebook Library was developed in 2001. This was followed by the development of a PDA model, which was officially created in an advisory capacity in 2004 in collaboration between Ebooks Corporation and Curtin University, CERN and other academic libraries ( North Carolina State University , Yale University , the Council for Australian University Libraries) . The beta version of the PDA model was tested by Curtin University, put into routine operation by CERN in 2006 and tested as a pilot project by Swinburne University of Technology from the beginning of 2006 .

In the same year, another model for the implementation of the PDA was created by the company Ingram Content Group Inc. with the name MyiLibray. In 2010 the company Ebrary (now ProQuest ) brought the PDA model of the same name onto the market. Publishers with their own e-book platforms have also developed their own patron-driven acquisition business models, such as the Walter de Gruyter publisher in Germany since 2012 and the Elsevier publisher in the Netherlands since 2011.


In the Patron-Driven-Acquisition model, the customer is provided with e-books that the library has not yet purchased. For this purpose, the metadata of the e-books that are to be offered via a PDA model are imported into the library catalog. When clicking on such an e-book, the customer is forwarded to a free preview of this e-book.

If the customer decides to use this e-book, a purchase or an electronic loan of the e-book is triggered depending on the PDA provider. In both cases, the customer can usually use the e-book for up to seven days. However, the number of printable pages was limited by the publishers to approx. 20% of the total number of pages.

Types of Patron Driven Acquisition Models

Depending on whether the acquisition process is moderated or not when implementing the PDA, one speaks of a moderated or a non-moderated PDA model.

Moderated patron-driven acquisition model

Moderation always takes place when the library is the final authority in the decision to acquire a title and "reserves the right to make an intellectual purchase decision". The “actual purchase [always] depends on the prior approval of the responsible specialist department”. It is up to the library to decide whether the title should be made available to customers by means of an immediate purchase or a short loan.

Non-moderated patron-driven acquisition model

If a PDA model is not moderated, the acquisition takes place fully automatically without intervention by the library. It "allows users to access the product to trigger a purchase without any restrictions" ("Auto Purchase"). Depending on the provider or the library's specifications, the PDA e-book can then either be purchased automatically or “borrowed” for a limited period of time by means of a short electronic loan. When a certain number of short loans per title is reached, an automatic purchase is also triggered.

Implementation in libraries

If a library decides to implement the PDA, it must first select a suitable provider from a number of PDA providers. The business models for the implementation of the PDA are very different from provider to provider and thus also offer variation possibilities in the implementation of the PDA. The second decision a library must make is whether to moderate or unmoderate the acquisition process. It depends on the degree to which the library would like to leave the final purchase decision to the user.


The PDA is an acquisition model that has only spread globally in recent years. In Australia, the PDA concept is already fully integrated into the traditional library book selection process. Today, 62% of academic libraries in Australia and New Zealand have used a PDA model in various forms and have been using them for more than four years. PDA is also gaining increasing popularity in North America and Great Britain. Some institutions have long been planning future budgets for the realization or implementation of the PDA and many libraries are already experimenting with the system. In North American academic libraries pilot projects are running in which the implementation of the PDA is tested. A PDA model has been in routine use in some libraries since 2010, others are planning to introduce such a model in 2011. Other institutions state that they want to introduce a PDA model within the next three years. One fifth of North American public libraries implemented PDA in 2012 and it has become the preferred acquisition model. However, PDA has not yet caught on in Europe, with libraries in the Netherlands and Sweden being an exception.

In Germany, the PDA has been on the advance since 2010 in the federal states of Bremen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Schleswig-Holstein: At the university libraries in Mannheim, Bremen, Wuppertal, Bielefeld, Würzburg, in the Jülich research center in the Distance University Hagen, at the SLUB Dresden and in the lending and supplementary library (Flensburg) of the Schleswig-Holstein library system, PDA models from various providers were partially tested from 2010 onwards. From 2012, the implementation of the PDA was also tested in the Leipzig University Library, the Erlangen-Nuremberg University Library and in the Bavarian State Library. In February 2012, after a three-month test phase, the SLUB Dresden took over its PDA pilot project, which it implemented with the PDA model of EBL and Schweitzer as EBL sales partner, into routine operation. The routine PDA operation for print media started in the summer of 2012 in the USB Cologne and the variant for e-media in 2013. Since May 2013, after a one-year test phase in the Leipzig University Library, the PDA model has been used for both e-books and print media. The LEB (lending and supplementary library) of the Schleswig-Holstein library in Flensburg has been using the PDA collection method for print media with increasing success since 2014.

Acceptance in Germany

In Germany, the benefits of this acquisition model are the subject of controversy. PDA critics fear that PDA could lead to an unbalanced and useless inventory, since customers, unlike librarians, only focus on the short-term satisfaction of their information needs and not on the long-term development of the inventory.

This critical opinion is related, among other things, to the so-called "banana legend". Here, an immature PDA model acquired a completely senseless but complete inventory on the subject of “banana”. While testing one of the earliest PDA models, a task about the banana industry and research to solve that task in Colorado resulted in this "banana" inventory. All thematic titles were clicked and thus acquired by the library. Today's PDA models have long since been optimized and are free from such errors, but the memory of this first unsuccessful field test has remained for eight years.


  • Michael Golsch: Give Patrons What They Want: User-specific inventory development in the SLUB-Dresden. In: BIS - The magazine of the library in Saxony 5 (2012) , No. 1, pp. 34–37. URL ( PDF; 188 kB )
  • David A. Swords (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0
  • Lisa Maria Geisler: What influences the selection of indirect acquisitions by library customers when using the non-moderated patron-driven acquisition model in the Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library (SLUB)? . Hamburg, University of Applied Sciences, Fac. Design, Media and Information, Dep. Information, Thesis BA, 2013
  • Henriette Rösch: The library as a social system in upheaval: PDA and its effects on the relationships between the library and its users. In: Bibliothek, Forschung und Praxis 37 (2013) , No. 1, SS 70–77. URL ( PDF; 142 kB )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Hermann, Martin: Parameters for the budgeting of Patron-DrivenAcquisition (PDA). In: Perspective Library 1 (2012), No. 2, pp. 53–76. URL [1] - Review date January 3, 2013, p. 53
  2. cf. BERMANN, Helga; MÜNCH, Vera: Patron DrivenAcquisition: Will the end user trigger the acquisition of eBooks and articles as required in the future? In: Fachbuchjournal (2011), No. 6, pp. 17-21. URL Archived copy ( Memento of October 28, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) - Review date April 27, 2012, p. 17
  3. SWORDS, David A. (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0 , p. IX
  4. cf. Hermann, Martin: Parameters for the budgeting of Patron-DrivenAcquisition (PDA). In: Perspective Library 1 (2012), No. 2, pp. 53–76. URL [2] - Review date January 3, 2013, p. 53
  5. cf. Hermann, Martin: Parameters for the budgeting of Patron-DrivenAcquisition (PDA). In: Perspective Library 1 (2012), No. 2, pp. 53–76. URL [3] - Review date January 3, 2013, p. 53
  6. cf. BERMANN, Helga; MÜNCH, Vera: Patron DrivenAcquisition: Will the end user trigger the acquisition of eBooks and articles as required in the future? In: Fachbuchjournal (2011), No. 6, pp. 17-21. URL Archived copy ( Memento of October 28, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) - Review date April 27, 2012, p. 17
  7. cf. GIERSBERG, Dagmar: Users as library builders - Annette Klein in conversation. URL [4] - Date updated: 2012-09 - Review date January 3, 2013
  8. cf. Hermann, Martin: Parameters for the budgeting of Patron-DrivenAcquisition (PDA). In: Perspective Library 1 (2012), No. 2, pp. 53–76. URL [5] - Review date January 3, 2013, p. 55
  9. cf. Michael Golsch: Give Patrons What They Want: User-specific inventory development in the SLUB-Dresden. In: BIS - The magazine of the library in Saxony 5 (2012) , No. 1, pp. 34–37. URL [6] , p. 35
  10. POLANKA, Sue; DELQUIÉ, Emilie: Patron-driven Business Models: History, Today's Landscape, and Opportunities. In: SWORDS, David A. (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0 , p. 119
  11. PAULSON, Kari: The Story of Patron-Driven Acquisition. In: SWORDS, David A. (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0 , SS 63-78, p. 63
  12. POLANKA, Sue; DELQUIÉ, Emilie: Patron-driven Business Models: History, Today's Landscape, and Opportunities. In: SWORDS, David A. (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0 , p. 119
  13. cf. Kari Paulson: The Story of Patron-Driven Acquisition. In: Swords, David A. (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0 , p. 72
  14. DEGRUYTER: De Gruyter completes test phase: Patron DrivenAcquisition becomes new business model. In: BuchMarkt: the ideas magazine for the book trade (2012). URL De Gruyter completes test phase: Patron Driven Acquisition becomes new business model - review date August 2, 2013
  15. POLANKA, Sue; DELQUIÉ, Emilie: Patron-driven Business Models: History, Today's Landscape, and Opportunities. In: SWORDS, David A. (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0 , p. 125
  16. cf. GIERSBERG, Dagmar: Users as library builders - Annette Klein in conversation. URL [7] - Date updated: 2012-09 - Review date January 3, 2013
  17. cf. Michael Golsch: Give Patrons What They Want: User-specific inventory development in the SLUB-Dresden. In: BIS - The magazine of the library in Saxony 5 (2012) , No. 1, pp. 34–37. URL [8] , p. 35
  18. a b c d e SCHUMM, Irene: Two years of Patron-Driven Acquisition at the Mannheim University Library . In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (2013), No. 1, SS 16–27. URL [9] - Review date August 2, 2013, p. 18
  19. SCHÖNIG, Heidrun: Help on e-books from the e-book library. URL Archived copy ( memento of June 19, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) - Date of update: March 27, 2013 - Review date of June 29, 2013
  20. PIEPER, Dirk; HERB, Silvia: PDA in the practical test - user-controlled e-book acquisition at the Bielefeld University Library. URL archived copy ( Memento from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) - Date of update: 2012 - Date of review August 2, 2013, p. [2]
  21. cf. Michael Golsch: Give Patrons What They Want: User-specific inventory development in the SLUB-Dresden. In: BIS - The magazine of the library in Saxony 5 (2012) , No. 1, pp. 34–37. URL [10] , p. 36
  22. PIEPER, Dirk; HERB, Silvia: PDA in the practical test - user-controlled e-book acquisition at the Bielefeld University Library. URL [ Archived copy ( Memento of February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive )]. - Update date: 2012 - Review date August 2, 2013, p. 2
  23. SCHUMM, Irene: Two years of patron-driven acquisition at the Mannheim University Library. In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (2013), No. 1, SS 16–27. URL [11] - Review date August 2, 2013, p. 20
  24. PIEPER, Dirk; HERB, Silvia: PDA in the practical test - user-controlled e-book acquisition at the Bielefeld University Library. URL archived copy ( Memento from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) - Date of update: 2012 - Date of review August 2, 2013, p. [2]
  25. cf. Michael Golsch: Give Patrons What They Want: User-specific inventory development in the SLUB-Dresden. In: BIS - The magazine of the library in Saxony 5 (2012) , No. 1, pp. 34–37. URL [12] , p. 35
  26. PIEPER, Dirk; HERB, Silvia: PDA in the practical test - user-controlled e-book acquisition at the Bielefeld University Library. URL [ Archived copy ( Memento of February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive )]. - Update date: 2012 - Review date August 2, 2013, p. 2
  27. cf. Michael Golsch: Give Patrons What They Want: User-specific inventory development in the SLUB-Dresden. In: BIS - The magazine of the library in Saxony 5 (2012) , No. 1, pp. 34–37. URL [13] , p. 36
  28. POLANKA, Sue; DELQUIÉ, Emilie: Patron-driven Business Models: History, Today's Landscape, and Opportunities. In: SWORDS, David A. (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0 , p. 130
  29. PAULSON, Kari: The Story of Patron-Driven Acquisition. In: SWORDS, David A. (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0 , SS 63-78, p. 78
  30. POLANKA, Sue; DELQUIÉ, Emilie: Patron-driven Business Models: History, Today's Landscape, and Opportunities. In: SWORDS, David A. (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0 , p. 130
  31. WALKER, Kizer: New developments: Patron-DrivenAcquisition in USAcademic Research Libraries: at the Tipping Point in 2011? In: Bibliothek, Forschung und Praxis 36 (2012), No. 1, SS 126–130. [14] - Review date August 4th, 2013
  32. cf. Library journal; School Library Journal: Ebook Usage in US Public Libraries 2012: Survey of Ebook Usage in US Public Libraries. Archived copy ( Memento of September 3, 2014 on the Internet Archive ) - Date of update: 2012 - Date of revision April 8, 2013
  33. PAULSON, Kari: The Story of Patron-Driven Acquisition. In: SWORDS, David A. (Ed.): Patron-driven acquisitions: History and best practices. Berlin: de Gruyter Saur, 2011 (Current topics in library and information practice). - ISBN 978-3-11-025303-0 , pp. 63-78, p. 78
  34. HAMMERL, Michaela: Minutes September 17, 2010: Minutes of the results of the 10th meeting of the E-Books Working Group on September 17, 2010. URL [] - Date of update: September 28, 2010 - Review date August 4, 2013
  35. SCHUMM, Irene: Two years of patron-driven acquisition at the Mannheim University Library. In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (2013), No. 1, SS 16–27. URL [15] - Review date August 2, 2013, p. 16
  36. DEGRUYTER: De Gruyter completes test phase: Patron DrivenAcquisition becomes new business model. In: BuchMarkt: the ideas magazine for the book trade (2012). URL De Gruyter completes test phase: Patron Driven Acquisition becomes new business model - review date August 2, 2013
  37. cf. Michael Golsch: Give Patrons What They Want: User-specific inventory development in the SLUB-Dresden. In: BIS - The magazine of the library in Saxony 5 (2012) , No. 1, pp. 34–37. [16] , p. 35
  38. PIEPER, Dirk; HERB, Silvia: PDA in the practical test - user-controlled e-book acquisition at the Bielefeld University Library. URL archived copy ( Memento from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) - Date of update: 2012 - Date of review August 2, 2013, p. [2]
  39. ALTHOFF, Sabine: Evidence Based Selection. Archived copy ( Memento of February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) - Date of update: [2012-11] - Date of revision August 3, 2013
  40. BERG, Sabine; KORNELI-DREIER, Diane: It started with a cup of coffee ...: ... the joint PDA project of the Erlangen-Nuremberg University Library and the scientific mail order bookstore Dietmar Dreier. In: BIT online 15 (2012), No. 2, SS 472-475. URL [17] - Review date October 2, 2014, p. 472
  42. RÖSCH, Henriette: The library as a social system in transition: PDA and its effects on the relationships between library and its users. In: Bibliothek, Forschung und Praxis 37 (2013), No. 1, SS 70–77, p. 72
  43. cf. Michael Golsch: Give Patrons What They Want: User-specific inventory development in the SLUB-Dresden. In: BIS - The magazine of the library in Saxony 5 (2012) , No. 1, pp. 34–37. [18] , p. 37
  44. ^ Otzen, Birgit: User-controlled acquisition for print media, 2014. Conference publication, 103rd German Librarians' Day in Bremen 2014 [19]
  45. Otzen, Birgit: Complex in terms of content, financially within the framework: How PDAprint works at the USB Cologne, 2016. In: BuB - Forum Bibliothek und Information, 68th volume (2016) / Issue 5 [20]
  46. RÖSCH, Henriette: The competence of the customers: User-driven acquisition at the University Library in Leipzig. In: BIS - The magazine of the library in Saxony 5 (2012), No. 4, SS 210–213. URL [21] - Review date August 2, 2013, p. 210
  47. RÖSCH, Henriette: The library as a social system in transition: PDA and its effects on the relationships between library and its users. In: Bibliothek, Forschung und Praxis 37 (2013), No. 1, SS 70–77, p. 72
  48. RÖSCH, Henriette: Exactly this book I need! User-driven acquisition for printed books. URL [22] - Updated July 30, 2013 - Review Date August 2, 2013
  49. DEGRUYTER: De Gruyter completes test phase: Patron DrivenAcquisition becomes new business model. In: BuchMarkt: the ideas magazine for the book trade (2012). URL De Gruyter completes test phase: Patron Driven Acquisition becomes new business model - review date August 2, 2013
  50. SIMONS, Oke; Gülck, Stephan: PDA for print media in a public library: conception and a first experience report from the lending and supplementary library of the Schleswig-Holstein library. URL PDA for print media in a public library: conception and a first experience report from the lending and supplementary library of the Schleswig-Holstein library - check date June 20, 2018
  51. SIMONS, Oke; Gülck, Stephan: PDA print in the lending and supplementary library - project report on the introduction of a new acquisition module In: BuB 70 (2018) No. 1, pp. 52–55
  52. GÜLCK, Stephan: PDA print in a public library: 4 years of experience in the lending and supplementary library (LEB) of the Schleswig-Holstein library. URL PDA-Print in a public library: 4 years of experience in the lending and supplementary library (LEB) of the Schleswig-Holstein library - check date June 20, 2018
  53. cf. Michael Golsch: Give Patrons What They Want: User-specific inventory development in the SLUB-Dresden. In: BIS - The magazine of the library in Saxony 5 (2012) , No. 1, pp. 34–37. URL [23] , p. 35
  54. PRICE, Jason S.; MCDONALD, John D .: Beguiled by Bananas: A Retrospective Study of the Usage and Breadth of Patron versus Llibrarian Acquired eBook Collections. In: Library Staff Publications and Research (2009), Paper 9. URL [24] - Review date January 22, 2013, p. 2