Patxi Zabaleta

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Patxi Zabaleta (2010)

Francisco Juan Zabaleta Zabaleta (born May 20, 1947 in Leiza, Navarra ), known as Patxi Zabaleta , is a Spanish lawyer, politician and writer of Basque, nationalist ideology. He was a founding member and chairman of the left parties HASI and Aralar and the coalitions Herri Batasuna and Nafarroa Bai .


Originally a seminarian , he dropped out of religious studies for law, philosophy, and humanities. He works as a lawyer in Pamplona.

He was a promoter of the Basque primary school Ikastolas in Navarre and from 1968 to 1973 director of the euskaltegi Arturo Kanpions , an association for the dissemination of the Basque language. However, he is better known for his political activities.

Herri Batasuna

He began his political activity in the socialist Basque parties Eusko Alderdi Sozialista EAS and Euskal Herriko Alderdi Sozialista EHAS . As general secretary of Herri Alderdi Sozialista Iraultzailea HASI in Navarra, he participated in the founding of the Herri Batasuna HB Abertzale coalition in 1978 and was a member of the highest governance body, the National Commission, until 1982 and from 1987 to 1996.

He was a candidate for Mayor of Pamplona for HB in the local elections in 1979, in which he was elected to the city council and in which HB was the second political force, with 814 votes from UCD, the party of Adolfo Suarez. HB voted together with the PNV council members for the socialist mayoral candidate of Pamplona, ​​Julián Balduz Calvo.

In contrast to the terrorist activities of the ETA and the subordination of the political struggle to the armed struggle, he became known as a critic within HB . On many occasions, Zabaleta criticized the HB's lack of self-criticism and analytical stubbornness, as well as some of their practices, such as B. that elected parliamentarians of this organization resigned as members of parliament. He publicly distanced himself from his party's official criteria by sharply condemning the ETA murders of Council members Miguel Ángel Blanco in 1997, Tomás Caballero in 1998 and José Javier Múgica in 2001.

Despite the criticism, Zabaleta continued to fight in the HB and its successor party Euskal Herritarrok ("Basque Citizens") and was still at the top of the list in Navarre, which he justified with the reference to the pluralism that should exist within the izquierda abertzale.

On the other hand, he was not only a character with a certain charisma in Navarre, but also one of the main advocates of the organization. In the year of Los Blancos' assassination, Zabaleta had taken part in the defense of the members of the National Council convicted by the Supreme Court of collaborating with an armed gang. Two years later, in 1999, he was back on the team of lawyers who succeeded in overturning the Supreme Court judgments by the Constitutional Court.

After he was in the legislative periods 1979-1983 and 1987-1991 city council, he was for two terms (1991-1995 and 1995-1999) Member of the Parliament of Navarre to serve as councilor of Euskal Herritarrok , whose office he had resigned in July 2001 to return to Pamplona.


Zabaleta was one of the driving forces behind the Aralar party . Aralar had several confrontations with the company's management. The most important took place in 1999. Aralar was the first in the entire local election campaign to take the opportunity to re-criticize the policy of elected officials not appearing in the institutions for which they were elected. A more serious confrontation erupted that same year when ETA broke the unilateral truce it had maintained for a year. Patxi Zabaleta then reiterated that violence hindered the goals of the izquierda abertzale and demanded their complete and permanent disappearance. Some Herri Batasuna leaders accused him of having a close relationship with the PNV and of attempting to weaken the organization by questioning the political line chosen. In March 2001 the first warning graffiti appeared on the streets: Patxi, traiziorik ez ("Patxi, no cases of treason").

Even so, Aralar remained an organized stream within EH until June 2001 . At that time, the Batasuna ("unity") party was founded in a process of re-establishment by Euskal Herritarrok and Herri Batasuna , and Aralar decided not to integrate and constituted itself as a party that September, which is why Zabaleta used the term escisión (separation ) refuses. Patxi Zabaleta was elected General Coordinator of Aralar and led the new party's candidacy in the 2003 parliamentary elections in Navarre - which Batasuna was unable to attend because it was declared illegal - which received 24,068 votes (8.02%) and won four seats.

Nafarroa Bai

After the electoral coalition Nafarroa Bai (NaBai) was formed in Navarre in 2004 , to which Aralar belonged together with the parties Eusko Alkartasuna , Batzarre and PNV , Zabaleta was elected as a candidate for the presidency of the Navarre government for the formal elections of May 27, 2007, in which NaBai received 77,625 (23.6%) votes and 12 seats in the Parliament of Navarre, making it the second largest political force in Navarre, ahead of PSN and behind UPN .

In October 2009, his daughter Miren Zabaleta was arrested for trying to rebuild the national table of the illegal Batasuna and was sentenced to six years in prison in the so-called "Bateragune case". Patxi Zabaleta stated that his daughter "has her own political beliefs" and that she is "making her own personal political journey".

In the parliamentary elections in Navarre in 2011, Zabaleta was once again at the top of the list of the downsized NaBai 2011 after the coalition of Eusko Alkartasuna and Batzarre left the country. Although the formation managed to become the third political force in the formal community with 49,827 votes (15.41%), it lost four seats to only eight. After the removal of the two MEPs from Geroa Bai in October 2012, the faction was reduced to six members and took the name Aralar-NaBai , starting to work with the Bildu party to create a single faction, Euskal Herria Bildu ( EH Bildu) to form.

After the legalization of the Sortu party , Zabaleta spoke out in favor of Aralar's association with this party. He then considered it appropriate to found an "open, sovereign left front" that unites the structures of all Bildu-EH formations (Eusko Alkartasuna, Alternatiba, Sortu and Aralar).

In November 2014, the VI. Aralar Congress held, at which Rebeka Ubera was elected Secretary General, replacing Patxi Zabaleta, who was made Honorary President.

Literary work

Zabaleta has been a member of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language since 1987, he is also the author of several novels and books on storytelling, poetry and history, which he published under the pseudonym Gorka Trintxerpe in the 1970s.

  • Euskomunia ala Zoroastroren artalde! (1977)
  • El salto del salmón (1978)
  • Ukoreka (1994)
  • Badena dena da (1995)
  • Arian ari (1996)
  • Errolanen harria (1998)
  • Eneko Aritzaren hilobia (2005)
  • Zorion Asked Zainak (1972)
  • Ezten Gorriak (1975)
  • Bizi! (2009)
  • Absurdoko kontuak edo zoroen herriko kronikak (2013)
  • Nafarroako azken mariskala (1991)
  • Julian Gaiarre (1983)


General Coordinator of Aralar



Rebeka Ubera



Portavoz del NaBai group in the Parliament of Navarre




Web links

Commons : Patxi Zabaleta  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. [1] Elecciones al Parlamento de Navarra de 2007. Diputados.
  2. [2] [3] [4] [5] Ramón Sola, "Patxi Zabaleta cerrando el círculo", Gara , 17 de noviembre de 2014.
  3. [6] Ministerio del Interior. Consulta de resultados electorales.
  4. [7] Aurora Intxausti. "Uno de cada cuatro militantes de HB niega su apoyo a la ponencia más favorable a ETA en el debate interno", El País , 22 de febrero de 1995.
  5. [8] "EH critica a Patxi Zabaleta por relacionarse con el PNV", El Mundo , 23 de March 2001.
  6. [9] "Detienen a Otegi junto a varios miembros de la cúpula de Batasuna", El Mundo , 13 de octubre de 2009.
  7. [10] "Zabaleta dice que su hija tiene" sus propias convicciones políticas "", Diario de Navarra , 14 de octubre de 2009.
  8. [11] “Ruptura en Nafarroa Bai”, , 28 de septiembre de 2012.
  9. [12] "Zabaleta augura buenos resultados electorales a" la mayoría de izquierdas abertzale "y no descarta un pacto EH Bildu-PSE", Astekari Digitala , 5 de agosto de 2012.
  10. [13] "Aralar apuesta por unificar estructuras y superar siglas dentro de EH Bildu", El Mundo , 7 de septiembre de 2014.
  11. [14] "Rebeka Ubera, elegida secretaria general de Aralar con el 85.7% de los votos", Noticias de Navarra , 15 de noviembre de 2014.
  1. Ediciones El País: Uno de cada cuatro militantes de HB niega su apoyo a la ponencia más favorable a ETA en el debate interno . In: El País . February 22, 1995, ISSN  1134-6582 ( [accessed August 5, 2019]).
  2. TAI GABE DIGITALA SL: Patxi Zabaleta cerrando el círculo. November 17, 2014, Retrieved August 5, 2019 (Spanish).
  3. ^ EH critica a Patxi Zabaleta por relacionarse con el PNV. Retrieved August 5, 2019 .
  4. AGENCIAS Pamplona: Zabaleta dice que su hija tiene "sus propias convicciones políticas" | Últimas noticias de la actualidad cultural en Diario de Navarra. October 14, 2009, Retrieved August 5, 2019 (Spanish).