Paul Gerhard Jahn

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Paul Gerhard Jahn (born May 9, 1925 in Berlin ; † July 12, 2004 in Hanover ) was a German professor and theologian . He was the founding rector of the Evangelical University of Applied Sciences in Hanover and head of the Office for Community Service (today: House of Church Services ) of the Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church in Hanover .


After studying theology, Jahn was ordained on May 24, 1953 in Berlin-Steglitz. He was a labor preacher and from 1953 social pastor in the Evangelical Social Academy Friedewald . In 1957 he became a pastor in Bad Boll . From 1961 to 1971 he headed the Wichern School for Social Work in Hanover. From 1971 Jahn was the founding rector of the Evangelical University of Applied Sciences in Hanover. In 1975 he was appointed director of the Office for Community Service, now the House of Church Services . From 1979 he was also head of the Office for Community Service, the first environmental officer of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover and the Confederation of Evangelical Churches in Lower Saxony . He retired in March 1990.


  • As editor: Disposal of radioactive waste: theolic, scientific and political aspects , LVH, Hannover 1986, ISBN 3-87502-267-X


  • Horst Exner (Ed.): "Yesterday was tomorrow already today": memories and outlooks; for Paul Gerhard Jahn on March 1, 1990 , Ev. FH, Hanover 1990

Individual evidence
