Paul Grotemeyer

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Paul Grotemeyer (born May 22, 1904 in Berlin , † February 11, 1975 in Munich ) was a German numismatist .

Grotemeyer studied art history and classical archeology in Berlin and Munich , where he received his doctorate in 1926. He was a student of Georg Habicht , on whose corpus of German medals of the 16th century he worked. From 1933 he was assistant at the University of Munich, from 1939 curator at the State Coin Collection in Munich, whose director he was from 1960 until his retirement in 1969. His main research area were the German medals of the Renaissance .

Publications (selection)

  • Franz Xaver Schmädl. A Bavarian sculptor of the 18th century. Schrödl, Munich 1928 (= Munich, University, dissertation, July 29, 1926).
  • Medals (= guide through the State Coin Collection in Munich. 2). sn, Munich 1937.
  • "Da ich het die gestalt" German portrait medals from the 16th century (= library of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg on German art and cultural history. 7, ISSN  0067-821X ). Prestel, Munich 1957.


  • Great Bavarian Biographical Encyclopedia. Volume 1: A - G. KG Saur, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-598-11460-5 , p. 699.

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