Paul Taylor (musician)

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Paul Taylor

Paul "Walking Stick" Taylor (born February 19, 1958 in Adelaide ) is an Australian storyteller, didgeridoo player and musician.

Paul Taylor brings together the stories and music of the Aboriginal people and European Australia .

He is from Adelaide , South Australia and graduated from the University of South Australia in 1980 with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work.

His interest in the Aboriginal culture of his own country was born in the early 1980s when he was working as a social worker among the Aboriginal people in the outback in Australia's Northern Territory. That was also the time when he was introduced to the tradition of Australian storytelling and playing the didgeridoo .

Paul is assisted by Yidunduma Bill Harney, who is the keeper of Wardaman culture in Australia's Northern Territory. Paul was honored with the Wardaman name Jalala .

In the mid-1980s, he trained as an actor at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London , Great Britain . He worked professionally as an actor and clown and joined a circus. His performances took place in England, Scotland and Wales. After returning to his native Australia , he worked for the Adelaide Festival of Arts and in regional theaters around Australia.

In 1986 Paul met Bobby Bridger while helping him as a tour guide in South Australia. Bobby later invited Paul to America . It was there that Paul got his nickname “Walking Stick” when he and Bobby Bridger were accepted into the ranks of the “Mountain Man”. In America, his work was recognized by the State Arts Councils of Texas , Wyoming , Utah , North Dakota , and South Dakota , and he was made an associate professor at the University of Wyoming, College of Education.

He has performed at the New Orleans Jazz Festival, Kerrville Folk Festival, Clearwater Revival Folk Festival, National Geographic, Festivale Internationale de Louisiane, Wyoming Symphony Orchestra and delighted more than 200,000 American children.

For Paul Taylor, his performances with traditional Australian art mean more than just entertainment - it is a documentary of one of the world's fastest disappearing cultures.


  • Matilda & the Dreamtime, 1991
  • Doo Bee Doo, 1995
  • Walkabout, 2000
  • Cooee, 2004 together with Don Spencer (has already won six Australian awards)

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