Paul Urmuzescu

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Paul Urmuzescu (born June 28, 1928 in Bucharest ; † February 19, 2018 ) was a Romanian composer .

Urmuzescu studied at the Ciprian Porumbescu Conservatory in Bucharest and worked from 1947 to 1964 as a sound engineer and editor for Radio Bucharest. After that he was director of the musical entertainment programs and producer for Romanian television until 1979. He was the musical director of the Cerbul de Aur music festival in Brașov . From the 1990s on, he directed numerous performances at the Teatrul Național Radiofonic and the Teatrul Masca in Bucharest.

In addition to symphonic works, electroacoustic music, several musicals and an opera, Urmuzescu has composed numerous music for films, radio plays and drama, music for cartoons and for puppet theater.


  • Amnarul Musical based on Hans Christian Andersen , premiered in 1978
  • Doctor Dyregod , Musical, WP 1980
  • Inscripție la hora unirii for symphony orchestra, 1978
  • Vila cu iluzii , musical, WP 1983
  • Zborul păsării măiastre , ballet suite , 1983
  • Interludiu , symphonic piece, 1984
  • Divertisment for soloists and orchestra, 1984
  • Imagini Citadine , symphonic suite, 1985
  • Cetatea veche , symphonic piece, 1985
  • Florile iubirii , symphonic piece, 1985
  • Poveste , symphonic piece, 1985
  • Dimineața , symphonic piece, 1985
  • Vizita , symphonic piece, 1986
  • Eminescu , opera based on a libretto by Gheorghe Buluta , WP 1989
  • Concerto for harp and orchestra , 1990
  • Ivan Turbinca Musical based on Ion Creangă , WP 1992
  • 1st symphony , 1992
  • 2nd symphony , 1992
  • Anamorfoze , three pieces for synthesizer, 1992
  • Asintonii for prepared piano and tape, 1992
  • Albă ca Zăpada , musical, premiere 1993
  • Perludiu liric pentru harpa , 1993
  • Dan's ritual for piano, 1994
  • Ficțiune ambientală for synthesizer and computer, 1996
  • Înger și Demon , Poem for Synthesizer and Computer, 1996
  • Cronos for synthesizer, tape and computer, 1997
  • Anotimpuri , Allegory for Electronic Instruments, 1997
  • Epic , ballad for harp, 1998
  • Studiu for harp, 1998
  • Ragtime for harp, 1999
  • Bagatela for flute trio, 1999
  • Burlesca for string orchestra, 1999
  • Imagini de vacanță , piano suite, 2000
  • Pantomima for piano, 2000
  • Toccata brevis for piano, 2001
  • Mioritica for instrumental trio , 2001
  • Conversație for piano, 2001
  • Fanfare for wind quintet, 2001
  • Joaca de copii for nai and piano, 2003
  • Joaca de copii for nai and orchestra, 2003
  • Interferențe for two pianos, 2003
  • Boite a Musique for harp, 2003
  • Jazz Toccata for piano and percussion, 2004
  • Burlesca for vibraphone and piano, 2004
  • Quasi fugato for strings, 2005
  • Eseuri musicale (A) for instrumental trio , 2006
  • Eseuri musicale (B) for flute, oboe and bassoon, 2006
  • Eseuri musicale (C) for bassoon and harp, 2006

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. A murit compozitorul Paul Urmuzescu (June 29, 1928 - February 19, 2018). In: Radio România Muzical. February 19, 2018, accessed May 24, 2018 .