Pedro Américo

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Pedro Américo
Birthplace, the Casa Pedro Américo in Areia, now an artists' museum

Pedro Américo de Figueiredo e Melo (born April 29, 1843 in Areia , Paraíba , † October 7, 1905 in Florence , Italy ) was a Brazilian painter and one of the most important exponents of Brazilian academicism .


Américo moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1854 and studied art there at the Academia Imperial de Belas Artes . He later went to Europe for further studies, including at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris , where he was a student of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres , Hippolyte Flandrin and Carle-Horace Vernet . After finishing his studies, Américo returned to Brazil, where he painted his masterpieces. In particular the painting Independência ou Morte! (Independence or death!) Made him famous in Brazil and can be found there in many school history books. The picture shows the moment when Peter I of Brazil proclaimed the independence of Brazil. Américo married Carlota de Araújo Porto-alegre. Later in life he was a temporary member of the first parliament in Brazil.

Independência ou Morte! (Independence or death!), 415 × 760 cm, oil on canvas, 1888, Museu Paulista
Batalha do Avaí (Battle of Avaí), 6 × 11 meters, oil on canvas, 1872–1877, Museu Nacional de Belas Artes , Rio de Janeiro


  • JM Cardoso de Oliveira: Pedro Américo. Sua vida e suas obras. Imprenso Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 1943.
  • Madalena Zaccaro: Pedro Américo. To artista brasileiro do século XIX. Editora Universitária UFPE, Recife 2011, ISBN 978-85-7315-917-2 .

Web links

Commons : Pedro Américo  - Collection of images, videos and audio files